Day (and Night) 5

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I could hardly believe it when I saw Azul's picture in the sky last night. Going into this, I knew that I'd eventually end up killing him so that Floyd could be the victor, but knowing that someone else took his life hurts a part of my soul. He was one of my closest friends, after all. One of my only friends if I'm being honest with myself. When Floyd and I lost him all those days ago I was sure we'd find each other again. I can't help but think of how scared he was and how alone he felt. A lot of time has passed since our childhood and all the bad memories Azul had from it, but deep down I know he was still that little crybaby we found hiding in an octopus pot all those years ago. Azul... damn it why'd you have to go and get yourself killed like that? It was supposed to be us at the end; we were never supposed to be apart. I shake my head. At this point, all I can do is hope he went quickly and as painlessly as possible. I'll mourn him later; right now I have to focus on finding Floyd. Suddenly, I hear talking from up ahead. I quietly make my way towards the sound and soon find Floyd talking to one of Malleus's lackeys. What is he doing? I told him to stay away from the other tributes! Fear clouds my mind; what if Sebek tries to kill him? I can't let that happen, I've come too far for him to die now. I killed Jack, was willing to kill Azul and myself, all for him. This is all for him, I tell myself, do it for him. I'd used my last dart shooting a rabbit for some food last night but I managed to snatch a spear off of a sleeping tribute. I'd never been good with throwing spears, frankly my aim with them sucks, but it's my only option. I steel myself for what I'm about to do. Remember, this is for Floyd. It's all been for Floyd. I visualize my target, steady my aim, and throw the spear with all my might...

I groan and put my head in my hands as my brother laughs at me. "Jade, as amazing as you are, you sure don't know the first thing about throwing spears!" I roll my eyes. "You're not helping, you know." Floyd laughs again as he picks up the spear I threw way off target. "That's what training's for! Here, let me show you!" He stands in front of the target. "All you have to do is visualize your target, steady your aim, and throw with all your might!" He throws the spear perfectly, almost knocking the target over. Floyd may be annoying at times, but I have to admit he's amazing when it comes to this sort of thing.  "I think I'll just stick to my arrows and darts. I won't impress any judges with my throwing skills!" He laughs as he puts an arm around me. "Aww, it's ok! We still have one more day to train before heading into the arena. I'm sure you'll get it by then!" I shake my head and smile in spite of myself. "Oh, Floyd. What would I do without you?" 

"Oh my god, Floyd! What did I do?" I rush over to him, not quite believing the sight in front of me. I had missed Sebek by a mile, instead hitting my brother right in the middle of his chest. There's blood everywhere and Floyd is gasping for air. I drop to my knees and try to thing of something, anything I can do to keep him alive. "J-jade..." I put my hand over his mouth to stop him speaking any further. "Shh, Floyd it's ok. Save your strength." I move to take the spear out of his chest but stop myself; I remember watching a documentary that said you should never remove a weapon from a stab wound because it might make the bleeding worse. I try to stand up, but Floyd grabs my arm. "J-jade, please. Please just s-stop." I can't stand how broken he sounds. This isn't Floyd on the ground in front of me, it can't be! "Floyd?" He grabs my hand and gives me a weak smile. "J-just sit with me, ok? All I w-want is for my b-brother to sit with me a while." My heart sinks as he starts coughing up blood. "Floyd, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen I-" "It's ok, Jade. I d-don't blame you." He reaches up and wipes away tears I didn't even know I was crying. "F-floyd just hang on, please just hang on!" I let out a small sob as he squeezes my hand. I don't know what to do, don't know what to say. My brother is dying in front of me and it's all my fault. What have I done? He breaks the silence with something I haven't heard in a long while: 

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