Chapter 1| Holiday Morning

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Second person

You stuff wrapping paper into a trash bag, a sigh escaping your mouth. Since it was Christmas Eve you were at your Grandmother's house, and currently you were cleaning up the aftermath of present unwrapping. The woman wasn't your real grandmother- but since you had been adopted into the family at three years old, she was like one to you. Just like your step parents felt like real parents.
You only had a few step cousins- but they were young, so they caused a huge wrapping paper mess. You were stuck cleaning up after them with the help of your step parents and your step uncle.
You set the now filled trash bag to the side, and you glance over to see the rest of the mess gone aside from a few pieces that your step uncle was getting. You stand up straight and stretch, letting out a yawn.
"Y/n you can go ahead and turn the car on if you want- just to warm it up, and you can stay in it to take a nap if your that tired." Your step mom calls, pulling the keys out of her pocket.
"Alright, I will." You respond softly, taking the keys from her before heading towards the front door. You opened it and walked out into the cold night air- no snow in sight. Surprisingly, it hadn't snowed at all despite the huge snow storms in the previous winter.
You make your way to the car- clicking the keys to unlock it. You then open up the back seat and sit down, closing the door behind you. It was rather cold within the vehicle. You reach over the front seat and push in the keys, starting up the car. The air conditioning turned on, so you sat back into the fabric seat. The car was small, but it was nice and worked well.
You shuffled around until you found a comfortable position to be in- your head leaning against the window. It wasn't the best, but you had around 30 minutes of a ride back home, so you'd have to get used to it.
You sat there for what seemed like forever- waiting for sleep to envelope you. Eventually your step parents had entered the car, but your attention was more focused on the fantasies entering your mind as your consciousness slowly faded.

By the time you woke next, you were in bed. They must have carried you to bed. You glide your hands along your sheets until they caught the familiar shape of your phone- right where you left it before going to your grandma's.You turned it on to see quite a few messages- mostly from group chats, friends direct messaging you, a Wattpad notification, or some random time occupying app that you never turned off notifications for.
You stared for a few moments before realizing the time. It was 4:57. Both a bad and good time. Good because you could catch up notifications, but bad because it was way too early to wake up and you'd have to wait a long time until it was time to go down to the living room for Christmas.
Oh yeah.
It was Christmas.
Despite a happiness you should have felt- you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. You had a family, a great one, but one thing just wasn't right.
They weren't your biological family.
You sit up and lean against the wall, letting out a heavy and painful sigh.
You had no memories of your real family, and you had only known them from what you were told about them, but you kinda wished you had memories of them. Having no recollection of them only brought up questions- like how they acted, what did they look like, how would they have treated you? From what you were told they never hurt you and took good care of you, so they obviously must have cared.
You shake your head and advert your focus to your friends' messages. It was Christmas, you shouldn't let yourself down on a day like this.
You read through the group conversation- replying to a few messages to mess around with your friends. One of them was awake due to time zones, and so you ended up chatting with them.
Though while you were chatting- you couldn't help but notice something felt wrong.
Horribly wrong.

It had been quite a while since you first woke up, and the feeling had not gone away. It was 5:22, and if anything- the feeling had gotten way worse. Not only that- but it felt like someone was watching you. Of course you were convinced it was just your dumb 5 am mind, but at the same time it really felt like someone else was there.
You turn your phone off, setting it down before adjusting your sweatshirt over your shoulders. You slip off the edge of your bed; Your feet meeting the carpet floor. You yawn and stretch before walking towards your door- only to step on something.
Or someone.
The contact of something that was not your floor caused you to jump back, and you quickly reached for the light switch nearby. Your hand grazed across it and you managed to flick it- the sudden light spreading across your room causing you to wince and close your eyes tight. You rub your eyes before slowly opening them, a hand over your eyes as you slowly adjusted to the light.
You could hear movement from in front of you- and a groan. Someone was in your room.
You removed your hand from your eyes and caught sight of someone- seemingly around your age from how they looked. But nothing was right about them.
They had wings coming from their back- one of them spread out and laying across the ground. The other they held while brushing it.
That must have been what you stepped on.
The person also had horns sticking out of their raven colored hair as well as animal ears. The front bit of their hair faded from raven, to blue, to white which caught your attention quickly.
He looked up at you, his strange eyes meeting yours.
His sclera was a dark grey, almost black, his iris was a deep blood like red, and his eye color was a pale red.
You back into the wall, feeling the sudden urge to scream after catching sight of some strange human-looking being in your room. You opened your mouth, but before you could make a sound he got up and put a hand over your mouth.
"Ah ah ah~ please no screaming~. The people here would think your crazy if you tried to point out my existence, due to the fact they can't see me." He coos while taking a moment to look at your figure. He reached down to grab your hand, and he brought it up to his face. "Oh also, this may sting a bit but it is necessary to seal the contract."
Before you could really react, he bit your wrist. You flinched and let out a whimper. He then licked his lips and let go of your arm with a smile. "There ya go. Now the contract is sealed." He chirps, a bit of your blood on the side of his mouth.

Your blood.

You quickly glance at your bitten wrist, feeling sick to your stomach. As you glanced at it- there was definitely bite marks, but for some reason they seemed to have healed despite you having just been bit. You look up to meet the gaze of the young adult looking stranger.
He cracks a grin. "Your probably confused but I can explain, oh also- my name. I go by many names, but in this form; Just call me Dakk." He purrs- a literal purr erupting from him. His wings shuffled to perch up on his back. "Now I know your name is y/n- unless your adoptive parents changed it- and yes this all seems creepy and confusing but I will explain as long as you don't tell anyone else about me. They will think your crazy, trust me." He mutters, staring straight into your eyes. Something about his gaze was menacing. He then removed his hand from your mouth, turning around to sit on your bed. He gently pats it, signaling for you to sit next to him.
You hesitate and glance around. With how quick he moved to keep your mouth closed- there was definitely no running from him. And you didn't want to believe him- but you couldn't help but feel like he wasn't lying. He also seemed oddly familiar in a way.
You shake your head and stay against the wall. He had literally just bit you. There's no way you were going to just listen to him. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched you, and his tail flicked to the side. "Come sit with me or I am gonna make you sit with me." He demands, causing you to tense up.
You hesitantly walk over to him and sit down on the bed, a bit far from him on his left. He simply scooted closer to you so the two of your were right next to each other. For some odd reason- it felt like he was giving off heat because you felt much warmer the closer you sat to his left side.

Word Count: 1578

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