... Maybe Not

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As he continued to make his way down the tunnel, he found that it was only getting narrower. Now on his hands and knees, he crawled his to the ever-growing light.

After what felt like another thirty minutes of crawling, he could finally see clearly where the light was coming from. Before fully crawling into the room, he poked his head out like a prairie dog to look around his new surroundings.

It was a dirty place. Dust covered most services and ripped-up papers and clothing law strewn about. He fully crawled into the room and stood up. To take in this new place, he began to snoop around.

Instinctively, he made his way towards the fridge. It rested in a small kitchen area with a few appliances, a table, and two chairs. In contrast with the rest of the house, the kitchen stove, oven, and fridge looked recently used and fairly clean. Even inside of the fridge was kept clean and filled with fresh ingredients.

The small escapee noticed that although the small dining table had two chairs, only one of them looked recently sat in while the other one looked covered in dust. Whoever lived here probably lived alone - and had lived this way for a very long time.

In two corners of the room were faint, brown objects. Still lacking his glasses, the small man moved towards them. Realizing what they were, he threw opened one of the doors - hoping to find a trail leading to the surface or to way out of here. Instead, he was immediately filled with dread.

What hung before him was hideous, rusted, and bloodied bear traps. He let out a loud yelp and fell back, feeling as if even being close to them would set them off. He kicked the door shut with his foot and coughed as dust fell off the door and landed all around him.

Now more nervous and more aware of his surroundings, the mouse of a man stood up and began to look around some more - fearfully ignoring the other dusty door. Adrenaline still rushing through him, he made his way to another part of the "house".

The bed laid half-made. The sheets stunk like... something he never smelled before. He was reluctant to lift the two blankets that sat atop the bed. Curiosity got the better of him, though. Expecting to see putrid red and brown stains, he was only met with a mattress yellowed, not by nefarious means, but only by time.

As he set the blankets back in their original position, the door began to creak - the very door he was too scared to check. A familiar sense of dread washed over him as the door opened to reveal his giant, muscular assailant.

He felt adrenaline well-up inside him. But, instead of fighting or fleeing, his vision went black.

I know this was a shorter chapter than usual but the next chapter is just waiting to published so keep an eye out for that!

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