Class D

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Once Chabashira Sensei left. A blonde-haired boy stood up.

"Since we're going to be classmates for the next few years how about we introduce ourselves," he said

His suggestion was well-received by most of the class, especially the girls so he continued.

"My name's Hirata Yousuke. Back in junior high, lots of people called me Yousuke. Feel free to use my first name! I guess my hobby is sports in general, but I especially like soccer. I'm planning on playing soccer here, too. Nice to meet you!"

The girls who took a liking to him before, looked like they were completely infatuated with him now. I could only assume that some of the male population in the class didn't take quite a liking to him, as I could hear mumbles like Damn Ikeman" from around the classroom.

That being said Hiratas popularity shot up instantly after his introduction. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up as a top figure for this class. Judging from his outward personality I could guess that he was the type to self-sacrifice for others, That would certainly lead to his destruction in the future but other than that I think he could probably keep everyone motivated until graduation.

"Starting from the front how about we have everyone introduce themselves?"

After that, it was a girl at the fronts turn but she was stuttering so much that I stopped paying attention and waited for the next person after her to go. After her, the other introductions followed.

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki. I competed in table tennis during elementary school, and in junior high, I was the ace player on our baseball team. I was number four. I got hurt during the inter-high championships though, and I'm undergoing rehab now. Nice to meet you."

No way this guy is serious. Right? How desperate do you have to be to lie in your introductions to make yourself look better? He could've at least come up with a good lie. Inter-high is a national sports competition for high school students. Junior high school kids weren't even eligible for the event. I wonder what's gonna happen when we [lay baseball for real and he turns out to be garbage.

A girl immediately stood up after he was done and had sat down.

"Well then I'm next, aren't I?"

I recognized her from this morning she was the girl who helped out the elderly woman on the bus.

"My name is Kushida Kikyou. None of my friends from junior high made it to this school, so I'm alone here. I'd like to get to know all of your names and faces right away and become friends as soon as possible!"

After that, unlike the other people, she continued talking.

"My first goal is to become friends with everyone. So, after we're finished with introductions, I'd love for you to share your contact information with me! After school or during vacations, I want to make all sorts of memories with lots of people. Please feel free to invite me to lots and lots of events! Anyway, I've talked for a long time, so I'll end my introduction here."

She took a lot longer than she needed to. These introductions are starting to become troublesome.

Wait a minute. Why am I even here? I didn't plan on making friends so introductions are kind of pointless. However, I'd be weird if I suddenly got up and left the class. How troublesome.

Hirata looked at the next student encouragingly. The student shot him back a glare. He had dyed red hair and looked like a delinquent.

"What, are we a bunch of little I don't need to introduce myself. People who want to, can. Just leave me out of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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