Emma-Park Trips

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                                                                                  AU:Human world

                                                               Type of story: Happy, Not heartbreaking

                                                                       Characters ages :15/16  

                                                                  Season: Beginning of spring

3rd person POV

Y/N sat on a bench in a park with many trees surrounding her, It kinda reminded them of the orphanage before they made it to the human world.

1st person POV,

The flowers were starting to bloom and in an amount of time they would be all sprouted and colors will be everywhere in this lovely park that I meet with my closet friend, Emma every weekend for the last 2 years. 

This human world is a whole new reality with new plants that I enjoy studying and reading about. We all go to a normal high school that's way different then the Dailey tests. I normally hang out in my small friend group that consists of Emma, Norman Ray and me, I turned my head to hear a girl waving and yelling.


Emma, we've seen each other every weekend for the past 2 years already!

Emma: I know but I still get excited!!!! Eeeee

Haha, I giggled. {Sometimes I wish I could tell her I like her more than a friend...}

Emma: HEY!!! Stop laughing it's not funny ,hmp

Okay then think what you wanna think but you always get so excited to see me.

3rd person POV,

Emma ran up to Y/N and gave her a hug as they started to walk around the park as normal. It was usual as always, Emma always gave Y/N a hug every time they met. 

Emma: Do you ever miss the orphanage Y/N?

Y/N: Not really why?

Emma: I just feel like we never can see everyone now a days, I kinda miss being with all my family everyday...

Y/N: You have a point I just don't know how we would get in contact with everyone, especially with most of the kids having foster families.

?????:Guys!!!!! Its been so long!

Emma and Y/N turn their heads to see a familiar girl, the girl had greenish black hair with a lot of modern day patterns on her sundress that hit her knees. The girl had way longer hair since the last time Y/N and Emma saw her and she was no longer wearing her glasses.

Emma: Is that who I think it is?.... Omg Gilda!!!!

Emma ran up and gave Gilda a hug while crying her eyes out. Y/N starting tearing up in surprise on the fact their childhood bestfriend just now showed up in their favorite and most lucky place the park.

First person POV,

Gilda I can't believe your here!

Gilda: It was a shocker I finally got to see you guys ever since my foster family moved away!

Emma: But why are you back here?...

Gilda: My parents decided to move back so I'm here for good! 

Omg!!! That's amazing!!! 

Gilda: Soooo how has everyone been, {Hinting at the fact Gilda knows Y/N likes Emma}

Everyone's been good why?

Gilda: Oh no reason! 

Emma: Well I gotta go my brother is probably worried well bye!

Gilda: I know you like her Y/N why not tell her!

Fine!, Emma wait!!! 

3rd person POV

Emma turned her head to see Y/N running up to her.

Emma: yes?

Y/N: Before you leave I just wanted to say that....

Gilda in the background of course all excited for the confession.

Y/N: Emma I like you more than a friend its okay if you don't like me back but...

Emma: I do like you back!!!

Emma ran up to Y/N and gave her a big hug and started to giggle, Gilda saw and ran as fast as she could without trying to rip her dress. 

Gilda: Congrats!!!!!!

Emma: But for real now I have to go! Bye Y/N bye Gilda!

[word count:605]

[Time taken:20ish minutes] 

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