Norman: Lambda Escape

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     AU: Lambda 

Type of story: Kinda sad, Trigger warning: Blood and fire

Characters ages :13

Season: ?????

1st person POV

I woke up to a horrifying scream of someone else probably dyeing rooms down. This place is so stupid, I don't even know why I was sent here in the first place. Was I that smart to be sent to a place to have experiments done on me? Who knows, I heard the sound of the TV radio com being activated probably telling me to eat but it didn't it just told me to go straight to the door.   

I headed to the door to wait for someone to escort me to the testing room. Once 2 of the tall scientist looking people starting taking me to the testing room I decided to start taking more in on the surrounding. I knew escaping would be hard from here but I want to try. I saw a thing that had many stuffed animals in it for the little kids, from first glance that's what it is but its all fake. The other side has huge demons that were made from testing. 

I arrived In the room, I sat down at the table as normal to start on the puzzle cube. I started to solve and I found a small note inside of the cube. The note said,

"What's your name?"

I flipped the paper to the other side and wrote,

"Y/N? Yours?"

I know this person is on the other side of the wall, because why and how would they get this note to me? I have really weird vibes about this but I'm gonna send the note anyways. I stuck the note inside of the cube and passed it over. I started doing the tests like the daily tests while who ever is on the other side solves the cube. In this test there were 105 questions. It would take around 1 minute and 75 seconds to do this test.  

~Time skip, after the test~

After the test the cube was passed back onto to me with a new piece of paper inside saying

"My name is Norman but call me William Minervra"

My heart skipped a beat, Norman is really here? Or is it a trap? I decided to write back,

"Is this for a plan of yours, Norman?"

I waited for him to give me back the cube and he responded with,

"yes, now I will write down the plan in a letter and have it sent to your room, Ill break the systems and make sure it gets taken to you. What's your room number?"

I felt kind of suspicious at the fact he was asking for my room number so I decided to say something that would make him have to guess.

"I don't know I never check."

I really hope that works, I passed the cube on and it was time for me to head back to my "room."

~Time skip, Night time~

I started to smell something odd. I got out of bed to hear something at the TV, it was him Norman. He was here to save us I started to cry and open my door because the systems were hacked at the time. I ran over to him and saw how tall he got compared to me. I started to giggle while tears were coming down my face. He wiped my tears and we headed off to a new home, and reality.

[Word count:566]

[Time taken: 30 mins]  

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