Disney Park ~Headcannons~

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-Yuugo: the one in charge of everyone

-Gillian, the one that runs straight towards every rollercoaster 

-Emma, the one running along side of Gillian

-Ray sits on a bench reading the whole trip

-Norman, gets dragged along with Emma and Gillian and would throw up after the rollercoasters.

-Lucas, the one helping and staying with the little kids

-Jenimma would eventually drag Ray along with her to go pick out some minnie ears for her, and would make Ray pay.

-Zack, he would be the one cleaning and dealing with injuries' especially Norman.

-Oliver, he would probably ride a few rides then take a break and repeat.

-Sonya, she would be the kind of girl that would try and test most of the food so when the family goes to that place they know there save.

-Nigel, would be like Norman, tell me otherwise

-Thoma and Lannion bought those water fan thingys and will spray everyone with the water until, Yugo took it away from them

-Phil would try and tag along with Emma n Gillian but would get board after secounds

-Sherry and Phil would convince Yugo to take them on the tea cup ride, then Yugo would spin to fast and make them throw up

^{ Based on a true story that happened to admin and Disney :D}^

That's all for these headcannons! I just read something similar with the Disney aspect so yeah!

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