Boarding the Train

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Aziza, Amethyst, Alexandrite and Amber bound out of their fathers car. September has finally arrived and it was their last year. "Girls! Stand up straight and shut your mouths! You are embarrassing us!" their mother scolded as she climbed gracefully out of the car. "Come on! The sooner we get rid of you the sooner we get piece and quiet!" their father added as he shoved them forward into the station.

They walk through the crowd and up to the entrance of platform 9 and 3/4. "I'll go first!" Alexandrite yells, pushing past the other three girls and running her trolley into the wall. "Me next!" Aziza shouts, closely behind her younger sister. Amber runs at the wall after the two and Amethyst just rolls her eyes and walks after them.

"Hey look! It's the Black's!" Aziza calls out and waves at a boy with wavy black hair. He waves back and him and his family walk over. "Azzy!" the boy says, pulling her into a hug. "Sirius! Stop that!" his mother calls ripping the two apart. He steps back with a pout as the 4 parents start talking. "Hi Regulus!" Amber says with a smile and he rolls his eyes.

Alexandrite looks up to the clock on the wall and gasps, "Guys! Hurry, we have to board the train!" Topaz (the quadruplets mother) turns to look at the girls, "Alright! Don't do anything too scandalous! Always look presentable and achieve something impressive!" They nod and follow Sirius and Regulus onto the train.

Halley, Kaeon and Oakley

Halley wanders around the platform. She finally escaped from her parents and was walking on air. She felt as if she was free at Hogwarts, no parents to torture her, no strict rules...none that she was going to follow anyway and no stressful situations and arguments. As she walks, hands in her jean pockets, she doesn't realize but a boy has walked up behind her.

"Hey cuz!" he laughs, startling Halley. "Oh...Kaeon! Hi!" she says with a grin, "Have you seen Oakley yet?" Another boy walks beside her, "Yes! In the mirror this morning!" the new boy laughs. Kaeon laughs along with him, "How you doing bud?" Oakley smirks, "Meh, I'm are you guys?"

They don't answer and Oakley nods, "Yep, sorry...I forgot the thing you guys have..." Halley smiles weakly at him before they board the train.

Antara, Lily and Severus

Antara follows Lucius onto the platform. He walks her over to the train and sees Severus and Lily. "Hi guys!" she says with a wave and they wave back. "Antara! How are you?" Lily says, giving her a hug. "Ok...not too bad i guess..."she replies with a slight frown. Severus and Lucius finish chatting as the train's bell rings out. "Antara, have a good year...goodbye," Lucius says trying to look unaffected by his younger sister leaving for Hogwarts.

"Bye Lucius! Don't do anything too evil!" Antara says with a sarcastic smile and she boards the train with Lily and Severus.


Stacy leads Jimmy and Timmy through the muggles of the train station and onto the platform. Her mother and father soon follow and walk them over to the train. "Oh Stacy! I can't believe you're in your last year! I am so happy for you!" her mother cries in between sniffles. "Tessa don't be sad! She will be back for the holidays! Go make us proud Stac!" her father replies, putting an arm around Tessa.

"Yea I'll be back soon! Promise to write every week?" Stacy laughs and hugs them both. "Of course!" Tessa stresses and hugs her more tightly. Stacy looks up to the clock, "Mum! Let go! I need to board the train!" She detaches herself from her parents and pushes her brothers onto the train, "See you at Christmas!" she yells and vanishes into the train.

Artemis, Elliana, Marlene

Artemis enters the train station just at 10:50am. She races to the platform and up to her friends Elliana and Marlene. "Maddie! You made it!" Marlene says and she nods. "Yes fortunately," she answers, still puffing. "What happened?" Elliana asks. "I came myself! I didn't want to be scolded by my parents here in public..."she answers and the other two girls nod.

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