Five Compartments

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Compartment One

Aziza runs through the crowded aisle, wanting her usual compartment. She arrives at the door to find that nobody had taken it. She puts her bag down and sits, waiting for her sisters. Minutes later they walk into the compartment, "Azzy, why did you run off?" Amber asks, puffing.

"I wanted to get out compartment!" she replies. The three girls sit down. "I can't believe we are going for our final year!" Alexandrite exclaims and Amethyst rolls her eyes, taking a book from her bag. Amber notices and frowns, "Emmy, you ok?" She doesn't look up from the book, "I'm fine!" she says simply with a hint of sarcasm.

"THAT WAS SOOOO SARCASTIC!" Aziza laughs, "Seriously though...what's wrong?" Amethyst sighs frustrated, "Nothing! Leave me alone!" she scolds, still not looking up. Suddenly three more students open the door, "Guys...what is happening? We heard some commotion..." Kaeon starts, before Amethyst cuts him off, " Nothing!"

Kaeon widens his eyes putting up his hands in defence, "Hey, I didn't do nothing!" He sits next to Alexandrite and moves towards her ear, "What did you guys do?" he whispers slowly and she moves towards his ear, "Nothing...I am laughing my ass off at the result though!" Halley sits beside Aziza and Oakley beside Amber.

Everyone stars at Amethyst confused and she slams her book shut. "What?!" she asks, her voice raised. "Emmy...I think you need to calm down..." Halley starts but Aziza elbows her. "Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!" Amethyst replies but Aziza stands up, grabbing her arm and pulling her outside before she could say anything more.

Everyone else watches the argument until they come back in several minutes later. Aziza looks satisfied as she sits down and Amethyst sits. "Um...I'm sorry for my rudeness...I am very stressed and still recovering I have been on edge all morning," she says with an apologetic frown.

"It's ok Em! We were just worried that you were sad about something," Halley says, standing to give her a hug. Amethyst hugs her back and they continue to talk about their holidays.

Compartment 2

Kathrine walks along the Slytherin Car aisle. She finds a compartment with only one girl and opens the door. "Excuse me, could I sit here? All the other compartments are full," she asks, sitting down. The girl turns to look at her and scowls. "Uh...I'm Kathrine Gray, 7th year...I prefer Kat though," Kathrine says but still gets no reply. "...I'm new to Hogwarts...what about you?" she says again, but the girl just stares at her.

"Do you speak?" Kat asks sarcastically, now getting frustrated. "If you haven't noticed, I don't want to answer you nor did I say yes to you sitting here," the girl replies coldly. "Jeez! Rude much!" Kat laughs. "Why are you laughing?" the girl asks confused and Kat smirks. " I like you! You are a lot like me!" she says and the other girl's face softens slightly.

"Uh...ok..." she says slowly, still a bit confused. "How about we try again? Hi, I'm Kat! What's your name?" Kat replies. "...Hello...I am Glacier..." the girl says and Kat smiles. "What year are you in, what's your house? I am in 7th year and a Slytherin," Kat says and Glacier nods. "I am in 7th year as well, in Ravenclaw and I am new this year," she says. "Ooo cool! So am I!" Kat laughs and Glacier smiles slightly before the compartment door opens again.

"Hello! I'm Cloud Granger! Can I sit with you guys since the other compartments are full?" the girl who opened the door said. "Um, yea ok! Hi Cloud, I'm Kat and this is Glacier, we are new this year!" Kat says confidently. "Oh awesome!" Cloud says and sits down, "What year are you two in?"

"7th! What about you?" Kat asks. "Same as you!" Cloud laughs, "What house?" Glacier sits back in her seat, a frown now appeared back on her face. "I am Slytherin, Glacier is Ravenclaw..." Kat replies looking at Glacier confused. "Oh! I'm a Gryffindor!" Cloud announces and follows Kat's gaze to Glacier, "Um...are you alright Glacier?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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