Chapter 2 The Unknown

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~~time skip~~
(author's notes)

"freedom can be nice and easy... But cruel..."

As Don is running while carrying a passed out Emma (since I think he's the strongest-) all the kids look at Ray and Norman then at each other nodding and then start to run again "we need to go help them!!" a blonde cried "your right Anne!" stated Gilda "where do I put Emma?!" Don asked "hmm... There!" pointed a red headed, "come this way" some one said softly shocking everyone "a.. human.." Gilda said softly "ah! Please take her! And take care of her! We need to go to help our other 2 older siblings!" Don said carrying Emma to the 'some one' handing Emma to her, running away yelling "we will be back soon!" "huh? Wait no! It's... dan.. ge.. rous..." looking down and seeing her ear "oh my.. What happened..?" she thought "I need to help her heal her wound..!" with that she left..


"it's been awhile.." "hmm I see." Emma heard those words while waking up "huh..?" Emma said "ahh! I see your awake! I made you food Here!" she said handing Emma a bowl/cup of food while smiling "I am Mujika and this Songju" Mujika said pointing at Sonju "thanks for the food miss Mujika!" Emma said smiling "but wait where are other kids?!" cried Emma "oh about that... They died." Songju said bluntly "Wha- WHAT?!"


"she should be fine with that human!" Don said to Ray and Norman "okay then we need to kill that thing or at least-" Norman was interrupted "found you..." said one of the demons "THEY'RE HERE!" it cried casting for every demon to look at them running with open mouths ready to eat them "WE HAVE TO RU-" Ray cried loudly but it was too late... They got captured... And killed in cold blood "I geuss I was too late huh..." someone thought running towards the demons and cutting them in half with no mercy...


"so yea that's what happened" Songju said bluntly while Emma was crying silently.. "I am sorry it was my fault. I should have came earlier." Songju said guilty "it's f-fine... I-it wasn't your f-fault" silence filled the room until Mujika said something "not sure if this is a good thing to say but you may have a past but, you don't live there anymore."


"what I mean is you have a past but you don't live there any more so open page and forget the past.." Mujika said with a soft smile "a-alright..! I will try to forget it...!" Emma said unsure if what she had said was true, there was a pause before Emma said something again "w-why do you have a.. big sword..?" "huh? Oh that... Well you see I am kind of a savior.. Look at the time now it time to go to sleep, night" "huh? Oh alright good night!"


"You're still awake?" Songju asked "Can I talk to you..?"
"If you'd like."

"Sorry... I doubted you, even though you saved me. I never imagined there would be demons who didn't eat humans." Emma said with guilt "Don't worry about it. You were right to be cautious. Human flesh is special to demons. Especially the brain. Most demons would start drooling and take a bite if they saw a human. So it's better to regard all of them as your enemy." Songju said handing Emma a cub of tea "Then why do you guys..?" Emma asked "Religious reasons. We chose not to eat humans for our faith. But only humans. We'll eat anything other than human flesh. The farm's ideology, profit, authority, everything... We don't care for any of it. We are what you call heretics of this society.." Sonju said calmly "It's been a while since I've talked to humans like this. I only saved you out of curiosity. After all, in this day and age, live humans are only seen within a farm... That's what you came here to ask, right?" Songju said coldly "Can you tell me?... What happened to the humans 30 years ago? What is going on in the world right now?" there was a pause Songju was looking at Emma blankly before looking down and speaking again "Nothing has happened. but the world has been like this for a long time. I don't know where you got the number 30,"
"What does he mean.. ?" Emma thought, there was a pause again, "C-could it be that we're not on Earth? We're on a different planet and that's why there are odd creatures?" Emma said/asked calmly "No." "Then we are not in 2046 but more-" emma was interrupted by Songju "No. We are on Earth, and this is indeed 2046. According to one of the human calendars." there was a pause once more "Then... Let me tell you an old tale."
"An old tale?" Emma thought "Before, the world was much more vast than now. In such a massive world, there were abundant humans for demons to hunt and eat. There were predators and prey. There were humans who surrendered Other humans detested the demons and instead hunted led them back, to the demons out of fear. Thus, the demons began to resent the humans, as well. Endless killing. Constant fear. When both sides got sick of the situation, the humans proposed a solution.
"Let's come to an agreement. Humans won't hunt demons, and demons won't hunt humans. Let's segregate our worlds."
The promise split the world in two, dividing them. Everything began with this promise. This area is the demon side of the world. In addition, your ancestors were left behind as gifts to the demon world at the time of the promise." "Left behind..?" Emma asked ""The demons won't hunt humans." To keep that promise, humans have since been managed and bred. The breeding system is the farm, with Grace Field being one of the top among them. The top class of the many and various farms that exist. It's been about 1000 years since the agreement. The world hasn't changed much since then..." Songju finished talking leaving Emma in pure shock "Two worlds?... A promise.. between demons.. and humans..." a pause was once more created "All right! I'm so glad!" Emma jumped up shocking Sonju "It's the worst-case scenario, but there's something to hope for! It's better than I thought! There's a separate world for humans without demons to exist! Yes!"

Unexpected Turns... Turns Of History... (tpnxdemon slayer) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя