Chapter 3 The Outing And The "Finding"..? 1/2

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~~time skip~~
(authors note)

"uhhh Emma...?" Faye asked unsure if she should tell her or not "yes Faye?" Emma cried "can you come..?" "sure..?" Emma ran to the camera room "yea-" Emma stopped in her tracks shocked "who are those-- nevermind we don't have time just pack."


They were in the middle of packing the important stuff but they barged in "huh?!" Emma covered her mouth so they can't find her "come this way!" Faye whisper-yelled, Emma nodded and followed Faye, they went into the secret room then went into a cave,


As they were running they could hear rocks hitting the floor but they didn't think much of it until... "found you.." the human said pointing a gun look-a-like weapon at Emma and Faye "how did you know this exit existed?!" Emma asked "every plan has a plan B right? Well this is it, a shelter always has a second exit." the human said getting ready to shoot Emma and Faye, Emma groaned at him while Faye looked around, her head shot up, Faye looked at Emma "this way Emma!" Emma looked at Faye who was flying in a cave then she ran after her "there is another exit?!" the human thought


As they were just getting outside the shelter they saw a huge demon coming towards them. Emma took out her bow and arrow, Emma and Faye went running towards the demon the demon attacked Emma who (Emma) shot the it with an arrow, then they both ran away.

~~(Im sorry if this is rushed-💀🤚🏻)~~

Emma had been running for a long period of time she was getting out of breath after a little while she stopped to take a breath "h-huh-?" Emma hummed taking a deep breath "is.. Is that a.. Village..?" Faye asked "a.. Demon one for sure" Emma had caught her breath,


7:36 am
As Emma decided to take a rest, she wanted to make something that wouldn't make her look too human. So she got some fabric and started to sew, which was finished at night. "what time is it Faye?" Emma asked sleeply Faye wakes up slowly and opens a small screen "2:11 am" Faye replied going back to sleep "hm.." Emma hummed getting up she put on her cape and putted the hood on her head she started to wake, Faye groaned and went to Emma shoulder.


As Emma wanders around the empty village that was crowded she looked around and saw a big tower her face beemed in happiness as she started to run towards the big tower "it.. Was Bigger.. Than I expected..." a calm voice mumbled...

Could it be Emma?
If not.. Who? Who would say that voice?
Wait till you find out...

mysteries keep on coming don't they? Anyway I am sorry this is short there will be a part 2 of this chapter there might be a slow updates because school had just started. But I promise I will try to post as fast as I could.

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