getting out of hell hole

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This chapter is unedited. Please bear with me.


I woke up five the next morning and started my chores. Before sleeping last night, I made up my mind to please her because I don't want her to get mad at me today. I decided to prepare her favourite dishes - yam and egg for breakfast, rice and stew for lunch and eyan and egusi soup for dinner.

  (eyan means pounded yam and egusi means melon. Its a traditional food in some parts of Nigeria.)

After sweeping, mopping, dusting and cleaning every nook and cranny of the house, I went to the kitchen to start cooking. It should have been too early to cook but I'm using a very slow means of cooking- stove. We do have a gas cooker but mom says 'using it makes you lazy'.

I lit the stove, peeled the yam, place the slices I made from the tuber in a pot, added water and placed the pot on the stove. Afterwards, I went to wake my brother for school.

Know what you are thinking and yes I do have a brother. He's lazy and I love him.

   'Jay Jay'. I called slightly shaking him.

Jay Jay is his nickname. His name is Oluwajuwonlo but most people call him Juwon or Jay Jay.

He yawned, stretching his body. 'Sister Dara, ki lago so?'. (what says the time) he asked still closing his eyes.

  'Time ti lo o. Eight ti  fe lu.Ko tete dide  wa mura'. (The time is far spent. It's almost 8. Get up and get dressed).

He untucked in his overhead net and got up. I left his room and went back to the kitchen. About twenty minutes later, he came to the kitchen looking good in his uniform - a white shirt, khaki knickers, white socks and brown sandals. (the typical uniform of public schools in Nigeria). He asked for his food, I served him, he ate in silence and left for school.

We are not really close because of my mom. Any time we try starting a conversation, she stops us saying we are too noisy. After a while, we stopped trying. We only talk when its necessary.

My mom doesn't believe in having friends. She says 'the moment you start having friends, your life is ruined. Friend will destroy you. You are meant to be on your own that's why you came to the world alone'

And she is right. She always is. I try as much as possible not to have friends when I was in secondary school (high school). A lot wanted to be friends with me but I always push them away.

     'Dara! Dara! Oluwadarasimi!' hailed my mom from her room.

So much for trying to please her!

  'Ma, I'm coming ma!'. I replied rushing to her room.

  'So ke ti sapo ni abi eti e gba leave?' (are your ears in your pockets or are they on leave?). She shouted almost deafening me in the process.
    'I'm sorry ma'.

'Be sorry for yourself you mistake! When will you stop making me regret giving birth to you? I should have aborted you when I had the chance,  you worthless shit!'

I was at the verge of tears. I wished she stopped reminding me of how I came to be.

Everyone knew I was a mistake. Her pills failed.

When she realized she was pregnant she planned to abort it. My dad kept persuading her not to. After a few scans, the did actor said she was having a boy. She was overjoyed. After all,  she was an Igbo woman.

(P.S Male children are valuable to the Igbos).

She started writing different Igbo names for the 'boy'. Mom hated me the moment the doctor said 'Congratulations, you have a beautiful girl'.

My dad been a Yoruba man did not really care about the sex of the child but was overjoyed that he could conceive. He had been divorced thrice because the doctors said he had low sperm count.

He named me Oluwadarasimi (God is good to me).

Five years later came my brother and my dad named him Oluwajuwonlo (God is superior).

I guess it was my fault. I should have been a boy.

     'Well, what did you prepare for me?' She asked.

'Yam and egg ma'.

      'Did you add pepper and onions to the egg?' She asked again.

I could tell she was getting pleased. Thanks God.

    'Yes ma. I also added tomatoes to the egg and a little sugar to the yam while boiling it ma'.

    'Good, good, dish my food'.


I did it again

I know it probably boring but....



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