He's Got Me Trapped

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Shadow's POV

Sonic told me I had forgotten my jacket at his house, so I headed that way. The day was warm and calm. I felt so calm, until I remembered what happened last night with him.

I grew nervous, and wanted to turn around; but I had told him that I was on my way. I got to his house, there I knocked on the door very lightly; hopping he wouldn't answer. The door opened widely and a happy blue hedgie smiled at me.

"Morning Shadz. Come in." I walked in.

"Thank you." He handed me my jacket.

"Thought you'd miss it. I still don't know how it got here. Must have been last week when Tails had that meeting." I noticed his cheeks flushed red.

"Yeah. Um...so what's new?" I asked him.

"Well, nothing. I was just doing laundry." I smiled.

"Never knew you did laundry." I laughed a bit.

"Yeah, yeah... My sheets were all a mess. There was something- Never mind. Have you had beak fast yet?" I noticed he was trying to hide his face.

"Yeah, I've already had breakfast. Um...Sonic. C-Can I ask you something?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah, shoot."He said washing some dishes.

"Well, if for some reason, perhaps you came home drunk, and let's say I took you home; would you find it weird if we kinda... You know had 'it'?" I asked him. He kinda froze.

"Well, yeah... Why?" He asked looking back at me. I sighed big time.

"Well, you and I were in bed last night and that happens to be the situation." I blushed looking away.

"What? Were you expecting me to run away?" He asked. I lifted my ears.


"Well, accidents happen...and well, one happened here. So that's all I've gotta say." He turned back around and turned to water on.

Sonic's POV

I know I don't look freaked out, but I'm freaked in! This is so weird, why'd he even bring it up?! It makes me feel, kinda good that he did it with me. Like I was his first, and he was mine; but at the same time I can't believe the ultimate life form did it with me!

"Sonic..." I turned around, and soon received a kiss on my lips from him! My eyes widen, slowly but surely, I started closing my eyes slowly; and starting to moan. I fell for his trap.

He asked for permission, I let him in of course. The taste of victory was amazing, I finally get to taste victory. He growled causing me to whimper. That shows that need now the dominate, and I'm the submissive.

He started to touch my body, slowly making sure he wouldn't miss anything, he traced every inch. He broke the kiss.

"W-What jut happen-" But I was cut off as he gave another growl.

"I don't know about you, but I liked it." I saw the lust in his eyes. He quickly lifted my shirt and teased my nipples.

"Wait... I-I'm... Oh, s-stop. Shadow, this...is...ooh..." He licked at them. I didn't even try to push him away, my muscles wouldn't listen, I was barely trying to push him away; but my hands wanted to wrap around his body, I tried to remove them. My brain had already made the decision to keep them there. He touched my pants.

"Oh dear... Some one's turned on." He whispered into my ears. I whimpered. I felt him tug me. I gasped. I felt him start to rub his hips against mine.

"Ahh... Oh God." I moaned.

"You like this? You want it, don't you?" He growled.

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