Not A Date

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"Good morning Olivia" Chris says as I come out from the elevator

"Hello Mr. Brown" I smile

"I've told you a thousand times you can call me Chris" he laughs

"I know but I'd rather keep it professional here" I say

"I see, well I'll leave you to get your work done. Ring if you need anything" I nod and watch as he walks into his office.

I sit down at my desk and pull out my phone. It's been 4 days and I still haven't heard from Trevor. I've called several times but nothing. I'm worried about him because this is not like him.

Deciding to take a break from my worries I put the phone away and dive right into the task I had in front of me. I grab my pen and open up the folder to go through the schedule for Mr. Brown.

Being his assistant is surprisingly easy I'm unsure of why the last one quit.

I call to make sure all of his scheduled meetings for today are aware of the meeting time and see if they have any last minute changes. Then I prepare the notes I have for his meeting scheduled for an hour from now.

Once it's time to go Chris comes out looking serious. He listens while I explain to him what this meeting is for while we walk to the room.

He opens the door letting me in first then comes in. We sit down and he greets the possible investee and introduces me. I wave and prepare to take notes while they talk.

I had to do my best to not zone out in the meeting. But the Trevor situation was really bugging me

"Olivia?" Chris calls, I look over coming out of my daydream realizing we were in his office

"I'm sorry" I say immediately

"Your fine. I was asking what did you think about Mr. Ryan's proposal" He says

"Well although I don't ride. I have a feeling that a motorcycle shop would be a great investment. But then there's the risk of suing that could get back to you leaving your company in a bad spot" I say honestly, he nods looking at me with a thinking face.

"Ok thank you" I nod heading back to my desk

"Wait Olivia.." He calls and I turn around


All day I've noticed Olivia being a little upset. It's confusing me because she's normally chipper. We barely talked today and clearly her focus has been elsewhere

"Are you ok?" I ask her, she looks off as if she's thinking before putting on a fake smile the same one from this morning

"Im fine" she says, I nod although I didn't believe her

"You know what, how bout I take you out to lunch?" I ask her

"Uh Mr. Brown I'm flattered but, your my boss & I'm in a relationship" she says and for some reason I feel a pain in my stomach

"Not like that. Just to get a break and relax your mind. I promise I won't try anything" I say putting my hands up

"So just lunch?" She asks I nod

"No funny business?" I nod again

"And you're absolutely aware that this is not a date?"

"Yes I give you my word that this is not a date" I smirk, she shakes her head


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