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Waking up I cringe instantly feeling the pain from my face. Yesterday didn't go as planned at all. The man I was planning my whole future with put his hands on me. I still can't believe it.

After he hit me I threw him out of my house and I plan on changing the locks. One thing my daddy taught me was there's no such thing as a mistake. He did what he did because he wanted to and I refuse to be anyone's punching bag, at least not again.

I head to the bathroom to get ready for work. Walking past the mirror I had to reverse to see my reflection and the big ass red bruise.

Examining it I suck my teeth knowing there was no way I was going to work today. I leave out going to grab my phone to call my boss.

The phone rings twice then I hear his voice

Hello Olivia, I'm so glad you called is everything alright? He asks

Hi Mr- Chris. Everything is great. I just called to ask if I could have today off

Yes of course. You sure everything's ok? He asks

Yes everything is fine. I'll be back and ready tomorrow I assure him

We finish our convo then hang up. I go back to the bathroom to grab some type of ointment to put on the bruise.

Once I finish with that I head to the kitchen. I don't have much of an appetite but I gotta eat.

I throw together a quick breakfast consisting of a bowl of fruit and a smoothie.

I sit in front of my tv and eat until my phone rings. Seeing my big sisters number I answer

Hey sissy I answer

Hey Liv is everything ok? She asks

Yeah, why do you ask? I say

Because I woke up to like 20 missed calls from Trevor begging me to tell you he's sorry for doing something. What the hell happened

Nothing Angel, we just broke up I half lie, only because if I would've told her he hit me the whole family would be down my throat with opinions.

Oh man. Why? She asks

I don't wanna talk about it right now

Oh you at work?

No I called off I say

Well why you do that?

Look can we talk later. I gotta go love you

I hang up the phone and finish eating. Before long tears start streaming down. It really sucks that the guy I was in love with hit me.

What makes it worse is this isn't the first time this has happened to me and he knew that.

When I was 18 I was dealing with this really bad guy. He was into drugs & gangs and all types of bad things. For some reason I liked it.

For a year and a half I stayed with him. It was the worst year of my life other than the year my dad died.

The first time he put his hands on me he said it was an accident and I believed him. Then he did it again & I hit him back. We ended up fighting and he knocked me unconscious. After that things just got worse & worse till I moved away for college.

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