Felix's Constellations

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You and Felix decided not to go on a picnic in the morning or in the afternoon because the temperature was too high. In the evening, Felix calls you, "Shall we go on an evening picnic?"

"Isn't it a bit late?" You question his offer.

"I don't hear anything, I'm already standing at your house. Get ready, I'm waiting," solicitously says Felix.

You throw your phone on the bed with a smile and sort through all your picnic-appropriate clothes. It's been about 20 minutes, and Felix is already tired of waiting for you.

"I'm coming in, I hope you're dressed," you hear the shiny guy's deep voice before the door opens. "God, you're not preparing for your wedding, let's hurry up. By the way, your mother baked a very delicious cake, I even had time to drink a cup of tea while you are getting dressed."

You're putting the finishing touches on your makeup, and Felix comes up to you, aiming to copy the funny way you apply mascara with your mouth open. But his attention falls on something else...

"You lucky, you can cover everything with makeup. I hate my freckles to the core. Seems like my face is always dirty, tired. Pfff... " he pouts and plops down on your bed.

"Felix, what are you talking about?" you say with your worried voice, "I love your freckles. They are gorgeous. Don't you dare to say they look like dirt? Nonsense," you change your intonation and now you are irritated he doesn't appreciate these beautiful spots. "They make you special, they are your highlight. Don't even dare to cover them," you place your palm on his cheek and leave a peck on his small nose.

"Ok...ok," he mumbles to close the subject as soon as possible, and you finally leave the house.

You spread a blanket under the cherry tree. You sit and stretch out your legs. Felix puts his head on your feet. You make jokes and make conversations on different topics while listening to Felix's playlist he prepared for this evening. Suddenly he mentions the beauty of the sky.

"Look how beautiful the moon is, milky, like a blank canvas of an artist. And the stars... They adorn our world, don't they?" His smile is so bright. You can feel he really enjoys these aesthetics.

"That's just the way your freckles adorn your face. They are your own constellations, which I want to kiss so much." And your kisses don't take long to wait. While you are kissing every inch of his face, he giggles and hugs you.

The next day, he sends you a message:

You know, you're right. My freckles are really beautiful. You make me love myself.

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