Han Rock Guitarist

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"Where are we going? Jisung! Don't omit the words, please," you almost scream at Jisung in a phone conversation.

"I don't get it. Don't you trust me?" he asks with displeasure.

"Okay, I'll be ready by six," you tell him after a short pause, and throw the phone on the bed. I wonder if all rock guitarists are like this? You've been dating him for a year now, but you still can't get used to his love of surprises.

He comes to pick you up, as promised. You can hear the loud sound of his motorcycle engine. He looks you up and down as you approach him.

"Stop staring," you tell him, holding back a satisfied smile.

"You look great, as always."

You get on the bike, tightly wrapping your delicate hands around his elegant waist.

"Be honest... my body shaped up, right? You can feel that my abs have become firmer," Jisung assures you seriously.

"Drive already," you answer him laughing.

He stops the motorcycle at an unfamiliar building. Jisung takes your hand and drags you along."We'll be late, let's hurry up."

 You run down the stairs. You don't even have time to ask where you are going, as you see a huge screaming crowd. The bright floodlights blind your eyes, but Jisung keeps pulling you along. You are walking through the crowd when suddenly you stop right in front of a small stage.

"Stay here," he says, and gently kisses you on the forehead.

The crowd's cheers are getting louder as the other members of Jisung's group appear on the stage. Jisung is the last to come out, securing the strap of his white guitar.

"I can't hear your screams," he shouts loudly into the microphone.

Everyone is jumping up, singing along, and having fun. During the entire concert, Jisung's eyes are fixed on you.

"I hope you had a lot of fun today,"  he interacts with the crowd. "I'm sorry to say this, but we are going to perform our last song for today. I hope my beautiful girlfriend y/n will like it because I wrote it for her. Happy Birthday, y/n," he says, looking straight into your eyes. "I love you," he tells you with a confident smile and touches strings of the guitar.

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