part 3

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the rest of the night went pretty smoothly except that Ethan was always looking at me but he probably just thought that I'm pretty so I shrugged it off, but Damiano seemed to notice it too so he kept a close eye on him

after it was all finally over and everyone got out of the house i felt Damiano hugging me from behind

"I'm gonna be heading to bed now I don't think I can stay awake for much longer" I said with a yawn and wished Damiano good night

I got into my black silk robe and went to bed even tho I felt like someone was watching me but I just shrugged it off again

*time skip brought to you by my drunk and tired ass*

I woke up after hearing a thud in the middle of the night. I looked around the room but I couldn't see anything cuz it was dark.

soon after I felt a hand violently grab my neck and another one being put on my mouth. I tried to scream to alert Damiano but I couldn't and soon it was all black

*one more time skip bc yea*

I woke up, feeling the cold floor under me. I looked around and saw a tall figure standing in front of me. when my eyes finally adjusted to the light I realized who it was...

"ETHAN???" I shouted in surprise, "where am I? what happened? where is Damiano??? WAS I KIDNAPPED?!??"

"One question at a time, my love" he said

my love? what does he mean by that??

"why did you do this?" I asked him when I managed to calm down

"because i want to marry you y/n. damiano doesn't deserve you. besides you are more special than you think you are and that's why I want you"

"...wh-wha- what d-do you mean by s-special?"

"y/n, you are half-mermaid, half-wolf, half-cat, half-vampire, half-butterfly, half-bird and a descendant of a demon and an angel and you have their blood running through you that was sealed by 100 seals when you were born and that was the reason why your parents didn't love you. they were scared of you and that's why they hated you"

I felt a tear roll down my face when I heard his words. it all made sense now. that was why I could never fit in no matter what.

I fell back down to the floor sobbing. I just wanted to disappear and die right on the spot.

"you know, damiano doesn't even love you, he's just using you. your power was what he was trying to get to this whole time"

"shut up. stop it already, p-please. that's enough! I don't wanna hear it anymore!" I shouted with tears rolling from my beautiful blue orbs and down my porcelain face 🥺

"he's not gonna help you. look at me. he doesn't even care. just forget him already"

"b-but I can't! I love him! I don't wanna forget!🥺"

"alright then. I'll have you locked here until you change your mind" he said before getting out of the room and closing the door behind him

*meanwhile at damiano's mansion*

Damiano's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and had a bad feeling so I went to y/n's room to check up on her and make sure that she's okay

when I went into the room an expression of horror crossed my face as I saw a broken window and an empty room. I already knew what happened. and I knew who did it.

whenever something bad happens my first thoughts are always on one person only. Ethan. that scummy werewolf.

I clenched my fists in anger and immediately started heading towards his castle that was on his territory.

*to be continued*

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