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Time Won't Heal These Wounds

The trailer was overflowing with injured residents, some minor wounds but others serious. The rising sun made it easier to navigate the extra people into Barrington house, giving them spare beds and sleeping bags.

I leaned against the doorframe as Siddiq wrapped a bandage around Tara's arm, holding the wound together.

My body straightened when he finished, something that apparently caught his attention as he startled. "Sorry, I'll-" He started packing up his first aid kit, flashing a subtle smile in my direction as he sped out the door.

I found myself thinking that although he was a skittish person, he would definitely be around for a while.

"You look like shit." Tara groaned when I sat on the bed next to her, a weak smile on her lips.

"I could say the same." My eyes drifted to her injury, small dots of red already appearing on the bandage. "What happened?"

"Dwight." She replied, her assuring voice interrupting before I could complain. "He did it to save me. He's still with us, I promise."

I chewed my lip reluctantly, my eyebrows drawn with suspicion. "I hope you're right."

"What about you?" She changed the subject, her eyebrows raised curiously. "How's the Little Ass-Kicker?" She glanced at my stomach with a thoughtful smile.

"Rosita told you?" I scoffed, leaning back on the headboard. She nodded slowly, a shrug in her shoulders. "I'm okay, for now. I'm just figuring things out."

»« »« »« »«

While Tara rested I had a lot of time to think- about the war, about the past, but mainly about Carl. It was like my mind broadcast a new television show titled 'Belle Tells Carl She's Pregnant', where every episode presented a whole new reaction from him. Sometimes he was surprised, other times he was sad or disappointed, but occasionally there was a smile or a cheerful laugh that brought a reassuring warmth to my heart.

My legs stretched out as I finally walked back to my room, drowsiness pulling my eyelids down until I noticed Rick sitting in the chair by the desk. He looked like he had a lot in his mind from the way his forehead creased, his eyes narrowed in deep thought before they widened as I walked in.

"You need something? I was gonna sleep, but it can wait." I let out a yawn as I perched myself on the bed, my knees up to my chest.

He nodded in understanding, taking small steps to my side and settling next to me. His hand was on my shoulder as he sighed. "I wanted to say I'm proud of you, Belle."

I frowned, meeting his gaze. "Why?" I was slightly baffled at his words, my brain ticking as I tried to figure out where this was coming from. It wasn't until he not-so-subtly gestured to my stomach that I realised, a suddenly burning anger heating my veins.

"You really can't keep a secret in this place, huh?" I muttered, my arms folding protectively over my torso.

"No, I mean-" Rick sighed, a small grin on his face that I could see he was trying to stop. "Michonne tried to keep quiet, it was my fault for talking her into it. If I knew what she was hiding I would've shut up."

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help the tiny smile at his comforting gaze. He looked excited at the possibilities that would come from this, the fact he could now say he was a grandfather.

"When Michonne told me, it made me realise something." Rick continued, his pride shifting into an expression of regret. "It's what Carl keeps saying, what I keep denying. This fight isn't for the past, it's for the future. Your future."

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