195 7 16

First Words, Last Breaths

"Can you say it again?" I grinned widely, my hands gently holding Heather's as she stumbled. "Can you say 'Ma'? Say 'Ma', come on."

She let out a few gurgles and other happy noises, but none of them resembled the single syllable word. I didn't mind it, though. With each mile stone she reached it made me realise she was growing up so fast, something I was beginning to dread. As soon as she was old enough, she would have to start learning how to survive. I knew the communities were safe places but you could never be too careful. There was just a part of me that wanted to keep her from it all.

"How about 'Da'? You said it before, you can say it again." I encouraged, but all I got was a delighted squeal in return as she tumbled into my open arms.

My eyes drifted to the busy community, watching the people bustle around and animals roam the field. My gaze landed on Maggie, not too far away under a small shelter. She held a bag in her hand, a crowbar shoved inside it. I frowned as I got to my feet, my daughter resting on my hip as she chewed her fingers absentmindedly.

"Hershel's upstairs, I just came to get Heather." Angie held her arms out as she rounded the door, a smile on her face as she gestured to take her. I snapped out my concerned daze, passing her over without a second thought. Maggie told me about how much Angie helped her out in the past months, when it was too much to juggle work and a child. I nodded a quick thanks, taking off as soon as she was out of my sight.

"You heading out?" I questioned when I reached Maggie, my arms crossed in suspicion.

She bit her cheek in consideration before speaking. "I'm going to make things right. You heard what Cyndie said, and I think it's about time, don't you?"

"Are you sure about this?" I surprised even myself when I asked that out loud, my hand grabbing Maggie's wrist before she could leave. "Listen, if you're doing this because you have to, I get it. But if you wanna prove a point, there's other ways. I just want you to be sure."

Her eyes were soft as she thought my words over, hesitation in her step. I thought she might need an extra push as my mouth opened again. "You gotta think about what Glenn would've wanted." This should've worked. Glenn was a notoriously kind person, always looking for a way that worked for everyone. I assumed Maggie would've understood that.

She held a glare in her eyes as she stared at me, her lips set in a straight and furious line. "Glenn would've wanted to see his baby boy grow up."

I bit my tongue to stop the stinging in my eyes, gulping down my fear and following her as she stormed away. "Then I'm coming with you. I want to see it happen. I want to see Negan die."

»« »« »« »«

My horse was a reliable one, even if I had no idea how to ride the damn thing. It was like she knew this, steering the way for me as I trotted beside Maggie. She had the same stony expression since we left the Hilltop, clearly focused on the mission.

"You know, for a long time all I ever wanted was revenge. For Denise, Sasha, Abraham. I wanted Glenn's death to mean something." I started, my tone far away. "I wanted to tell my daughter that the war with the Saviors was over, but I don't think I can yet. I just don't know what I'm gonna tell Carl."

Maggie sighed, her frustration evident. "Just because Carl wants something doesn't mean it's what's best for the rest of us."

"I know." I admitted lowly, a twinge of regret in my heart. I wasn't sure what this would mean for Carl and I, how Negan's death would affect our relationship. I just had to hope he would understand I wasn't doing this for me, I was doing it for Glenn. "That's why I'm coming with you. To make sure it's done. One way or another, Negan dies today."

»« »« »« »«

Okay this one's really short, but Belle is really on the warpath now and I don't know what might stop her at this point, probably nothing

I sure do hope nothing happens with Belle and Carl seeing as he wants Negan to live and she wants Negan to die...

And has anyone seen Rick, I wanna make sure he's alright

(I need to have some self control but I can't stop publishing lol)

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