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"And what if we don't wanna give her back?" I yelled, my eyes meeting Alpha's harshly. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it was somehow accurate that this was the woman who had caused such harm to Lydia. Like the face fit the actions.

"Wrong answer." She returned, keeping her calm stance. I had only been in the presence of this woman for a few minutes but my blood was already heating up in pure fury. I couldn't let Lydia go back to someone like that, I think I would've rather fought with my life.

She lifted a fist into the air as a signal, several other masked figures rounding the corner of the fields. There were so many more than I imagined.

"Your people crossed into our land. There will be no conflict. Your people killed our people. There will be no conflict. I'm done talking. Bring me my daughter or there will be conflict." Alpha threatened, her voice booming from behind the gates.

"No one touches the girl." Daryl growled lowly, stepping off the watch post. I knew there would be disagreements about this, whether or not we should risk the community to save one person. But in my heart I knew I couldn't just give Lydia up.

"Dad." I called as I got to the bottom of the ladder. He opened the door to outside, his face set in determination as he planned his conversation with Alpha. He turned at my voice, reassuring words coming from his lips.

"She's done talking, I'm not." He told me. "I'll be fine." The door shut behind him, muffling anything from outside.

Enid was by my side in a second, her eyebrows drawn with worry. She followed me up the ladder, my eyes scanning the area for any new threats.

My hand gripped hers at the sight of two restrained figures, the masked people pushing them forward as they stumbled. The skins were pulled from their faces, revealing the dirty, tired expressions of Luke and Alden.

"We're getting them back." I promised Enid, seeing her tears threatening to spill. She couldn't take her eyes off her boyfriend as Alpha and Daryl talked, hopefully making some kind of deal. I knew this couldn't end well, but I didn't want to prepare myself for the eventual fatalities.

My feet found each wrung of the ladder as Daryl came back, his eyes down with disappointment. I didn't even need to ask what that look meant.

"Daryl, you're not going down there." Carl blocked his way to the cells with narrowed eyes, like he was ready to put up a fight. I internally winced as my father stared him down, discomfort setting my nerves on edge.

His fierce expression dropped into one of defeat, his lips pressed together as he forced down the regretful feeling in his chest. "It's the only way to get Alden and Luke back."

Carl's mind raced as he glanced towards the gates, barely catching a glimpse of his friend held hostage by the new threat looming outside our walls. I could see the mistakes flash across his face briefly, a silent wish that he could take it all back. He wasn't ready to give up this girl to a life of torment, but he knew that's what leadership was- making the difficult decisions.

With a sigh he moved out the way, allowing Daryl to pass without another word.

My mouth hung open as I stuttered, blinking out of my stunned state. "No, we...we gotta find another way. There's gotta be-"

I wasn't sure why I felt so responsible for Lydia, but ever since I spoke to her in the cells I couldn't help but feel some sort of connection between us, the need to protect her from the disgusting behaviour her mother inflicted.

"She's gone." It was Yumiko, racing towards us with concern written all over her face. She was coming from the direction of the cells, Tara right behind her.

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