Bonus chapter 🍉

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"David and Jeniffer were crushing on each other. huh!" there was a grin on the face of the person who spoke this

"What...? why would you do that, I just started it, Trinity," said Niall with disappointment.

"Oops, you're BAD... btw bro mom's calling you." said trinity getting comfortable on the sofa.

Niall gave her The look 'why' and went straight to find his mother in her room

"where is mom?" he asked Milli, granddaughter of late Jules.

"In Madams room," Milli said with a smile, with the same smile, Niall left for his grandmother's room.

"Mom, grandmom?" Niall entered with his charm and both the ladies started giggling to themselves.
he went straight to Olivia and back hugged her.

"you crushing my bones..." said Olivia patting his eighteen-year-old grip.

"Niall don't bother your grandmother, she called you here to have some serious talk," said Ivy smiling at both of them.

Niall kissed Olivia's cheek and sat at the bed like some king "yes my lady, I'm all yours."

"This boy, same like his father," said Olivia ruffling his hair.

"So, your grandmom wants to talk about your plan for Harvard," said Ivy with a sad smile

"Again...What about that?" said Niall rising from his position.

"Are you sure you want to go, far away from all of us?" asked Olivia

"Grandmom, you don't want your grandson to be a Harvard graduate?" he asked with his gleaming eyes.

Olivia exhaled her heavy breath and set at her place "I'll miss you."

"and I'll MISS YOU too, but I have to go," said Niall with his proud face, and with that, he kissed both the ladies and left-back where he belonged to.

Olivia and Ivy sadly smiled at each other and spoke in unison "it's all Owen's fault." and then laughed a little

when Niall went back to his room he saw more than one person, his room was looking like a zoo
with kids and well again kids.

Trinity his half-sister was using her phone, his younger brother and second son of Owen and Ivy, Shawn was playing with half-sisters of Trinity, the twin daughters of Paul.

"what are you all doing in my room?" he shouted with his elderly anger

seeing him, the first one to run from his room was Shawn, the boy was hell scared of his elder brother, following him Jeena and Megan also-ran.

"Bro, why this stupid face all the time," asked Trinity getting up from her position.

"If I allow you that doesn't mean you can allow these minions in my room too," he said entering his washroom.

"why did mom call you?" asked Trinity standing at the door

"same, both ladies can't resist my charm," said Niall from the washroom
"Pff..." with that Trinity left

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