The Human - Chapter 7

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A/N: To all my readers,

Thank you so much for your continued support! To answer some people who have asked if this story is still being continued, the answer is YES! Very much so!

For the longest time, I wasn't certain where I wanted to take this story, but after sitting down and just freehanding it, I have come up with a completed outline of this story AND once this story is completed, I have a second story in the works that is held in the same world/timeline, but with different characters. 

Please enjoy this next chapter of my story, my loves! And feel free to leave a comment and star!


~The Dragoness' Flame~

(Kiel's POV)

"Oh, thank the Goddess! I'm glad you're alive."

I hear a melodic voice echo through my head. I try to move, but it's like I'm paralyzed.

My heart picks up a beat. That voice... it calls to me in a way that scares me. The voice becomes a physical presence that I feel by my side.

Suddenly, I feel a soft pressure against my forehead. It feels almost like a wordless hug. And then, the weirdest thing happened. I could have sworn... someone kissed me on the same spot.

"Goodbye..." the same voice whispers in my ear.

I feel the presence leave my side and an untold longing pulls at my chest.

I groan and try to open my eyes. The first thing I noticed was the dying light that illuminates a wondrous sunset. The orange, yellows, and reds blend together at the bottom and a stunning aqua blue fades into the sapphire night sky.

I drag in a deep breath and fall into a coughing fit. Turning over onto my stomach, I begin to expel saltwater and stomach bile onto the warm sand.

After I manage to catch my breath, with a jolt, I remember where I was and what happened.

I frantically sit back on my legs to look around for the two dragons in confusion.

The next emotion I feel is pure, raw anger but looking up at the sky, I realize I am going to be late for the meeting.

Sighing, I rise unsteadily to my feet and walk down the boardwalk towards the hotel. Tonight was going to be a long night...

~The Dragoness' Flame~

I rush back to my room to quickly change into my business suit. I'm in and out in five minutes.

After ten minutes of maneuvering through the hotel, I step onto the elevator and push the button for the sixth floor. My feet are already screaming at me from the uncomfortable dress shoes I bought yesterday for this meeting. I grimace. Whoever made these shoes must have been angry at their husband while doing it and decided to make them as painful as possible because this was pure torture.

As the elevator arrives on the sixth floor I walk-sprint down the hallway, looking for the correct room number. When I finally find it, I am panting and out of breath. I walk up to the door and already hear muffled voices coming from the room.

I knock and immediately the door swings open.

Kenneth's glare has me flinching. His aqua-blue eyes scream that he will murder me where I stand. His short fire-orange hair is perfectly in place, and he is dressed to the nines. His business suit is tailored and fits him perfectly. I see a vein on his head that's about to burst and the muscles in his biceps are as tense as I've ever seen them.

The Dragoness' Flame (Mature/18+)Where stories live. Discover now