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As months went on, Shigaraki Tomura slowly began to heal, very slowly. He was starting to get back to his old self again, however eventually he would find little red feathers hiding in the furniture and stuck in odd places he'd never noticed before, he hated finding them, however he did keep them. At first he thought of it as a reminder that he shouldn't trust people, but over time as he watched the news he picked up that Hawks had the ability to control those feathers as if they were millions of little limbs that bent to his every command.

He slowly began to grow upset, yet also obsessed, an unhealthy and dangerous obsession with the man that has stolen everything from him. He stared at the jar on his shelf containing the loose feathers, he watched them carefully and as soon as he saw one of them twitch he dove his hand into the jar and snatched it.
He knew Hawks could feel it, he knew it. He would abuse that feeling as long as he could.

Messing with those feathers became entertainment. He'd snap them sometimes, cut them up in the kitchen with a knife sometimes as if he were cutting it for a salad, he did all sorts of painful things. He wanted Hawks to feel the pain, he wanted him to feel unsafe. Of course when it comes to shedding feathers Hawks must feel inconvenient stings of pain from people stepping on them in public of course but no, Shigaraki made sure this was different. He did it so much he wanted it to be almost obvious the stings of pain were intentionally done. It was a dangerous warning. Eventually he had the genius idea of burning the feathers he found, maybe Keigo would blame dabi for it. Would he get mad at dabi for fucking around with his shed feathers? He hoped so.

Of course time flew by and eventually All for one was 'defeated' by the symbol of peace who soon after retired. Tomura and the rest of the league had fled the old abandoned bar and now resided further away in their new hideout. Some sort of... abandoned were house type area if you would. Shigaraki was left to make his own decisions for the league and that's what he did, he made his own decisions for his league. He cared about them more than he thought he would but he'll be damned if he dare trust a single one of them again. He was a bit upset since his little jar of feathers was left at his old hideout but whatever. Hawks was bound to find them at some point.

Tomura still couldn't stand seeing feathers anyway. whenever he saw them on the street or in the woods he couldn't help but destroy them weather they were Keigo's or not.

Shigaraki was more upset than he was before, his master was caught and he wasn't exactly used to being a leader by himself yet. If he could speak with his master at least once he'd be okay, but he could already tell he'd never be okay again. He sighed as he stared out one of the boarded up windows, he was waiting for Twice to arrive since he said he'd be bringing a new possible league member. He huffed, this better not be a waste of time he didn't have the patience for it.

Finally he heard the door opening and he glanced forward to see Twice walking in with a man dressed annoyingly sharp with an ugly purple and green jacket on. He was even wearing some sick joke of a weird looking plague mask, what kind of loser was this guy? Tomura narrowed his eyes at him, the purple fluff on his coat seemed to be made of feathers... great. more annoying itchy bird sheddings.

Tomura scoffed and gave the stranger an untrusting look as they picked eyes, barely listening to Twice as he spoke about where he found the villain. He didn't care where Twice found him, he just wanted to make sure this wasn't a waste of his time at all. The man looked around with a grossed out look on his face before he locked eyes with shigaraki once again.

" So... You're the famous Tomura Shigaraki huh...? As I expected you're way more disgusting in person than on those newspapers..." The new guest finally spoke up, immediately testing Tomura's thin and fragile patience. The league's leader narrowed his eyes even more," What the hell do you think you're doing walking in here and insulting me out of the blue? People like you make me sick, get to the point plague freak. I don't have time for some stupid argument." He warned, clearly not in the mood.

The plague doctor sighed as Shigaraki just snarled back at him," Of course, whatever. Maybe you're not so bad, but to get to the point I came here to make a deal. Or... an offer as one might say." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets," To get things started I will introduce myself, everyone I know does and should be calling me Overhaul." "Oh great, another jerk with a fake name, how am I supposed to work with someone who won't even tell me his name? I've played this stupid game before, get on with it." Tomura said, his patience was growing thinner by the second and everyone in the room could tell. Twice grew nervous and stepped to the side to get out of the way in case any fights were to break out. Overhaul sighed," Pity, I thought you were more mature than this... I came to make a deal. But deals such as mine require trust, and I can tell already that this will be an issue. I know you have plans to overthrow this hero society everyone speaks so highly of but what exactly is your plan for that? You do have one right?" He asked.

Tomura grinded his teeth as the other spoke, this was annoying. He might have to kill this man. Time seemed to pass very slowly as Overhaul spoke, explaining why he was there, what his plan was and what he wanted from them. Tomura was skeptical. He growled under his breath," Look bird face, I don't trust people after just meeting them. You have nothing to prove you're worth trusting at all, what makes you think I'll work with you like that hm? This is pathetic." He said, almost ready to just stand up and force Overhaul to leave. The plague doctor nodded slowly," You're right, I have nothing to prove I'm worth trusting. You deserve such a better form of treatment such as the one I've given, let me start over. You obviously have been hurt by people before, I have no place treating you like you're not worth my own time. Let's discuss this matter somewhere else hm? You've graciously invited me into your residence without putting so much as a scratch on me or my men, so I'll return the favor." Overhaul slowly stepped forward, pulling a card from his coat and placing it down on a box accross from Tomura," This is our address, I'll trust you not to sell it to anyone. Meet me tomorrow at whatever time you want, then we can talk."

Well, at least Shigaraki had time to think it over, he made a valid point. But something rubbed him the wrong way still, something was up. he couldn't tell if it was good or bad at all but he'd think about it. What's the worst that could happen?

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