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    Tomura may have been staring at Kai a little bit after he was finished eating his delicious mouthwatering food. He was studying how the other man looked with that funny looking mask off of his face and also kinda admiring him. Why not? How often did people see Overhaul with his mask off? And of course due to his lack of attention he didn't hear Kai at all after he had asked him a question that also kinda caught him off guard,”... what…?” he said, unsure of what the man had asked.

    Chisaki chuckled a little bit and sighed as he covered his face back up, finished with his food. He cleared his throat a little bit and asked again,''I asked for your favorite color, Shigaraki.” He repeated himself, standing up to grab a few glasses for some drinks,” and do you like red or white wine?” he added. Tomura processed the questions again before slowly adjusting his posture,” why does that matter in all of this…?” he asked,” I don’t really like wine at all… that’s too weird and fancy for me.” he said, watching Kai as he put one of the wine glasses back where it belonged. He watched him pull out a whiskey glass instead and he didn’t say no to that one, he was okay with whiskey. Though, Shigaraki did take a minute to question  why he was trusting this man not to poison him. He blamed it on expecting the other to know how a good partnership worked, but he couldn’t help but be nervous.

    As Chisaki handed him the drink he made for him, he took his seat again and decided to enlighten the other on his questions a bit more,” I was asking because my group is going to be aiding you in this partnership. I wanted to know what colors you liked so I can have my men collect the correct things for you. I’ll also need your clothing sizes, shoe sizes, and you should let us know if you have any medical issues as well.”

    “Oh wow, so partnership comes with health insurance? People do that?” Tomura asked, a little glad that the color questions were answered. Overhaul chuckled again and shook his head,” no, they don’t. We have our own medical staff, we don’t need health insurance in this organization. I pay people extremely well to take care of me and other people and you will have the same benefits.” He explained to him, taking a sip of his red wine as he did so.

    After a few minutes of talking Tomura ended up asking if there was any more food he was allowed to eat. Could you blame him? That shit was delicious, he had to savor it while he had the chance! Of course The Yakuza head allowed him to eat all he wanted, he just wanted to make sure they went over enough agreements by the end of the night. However, Overhaul did seem very comfortable when speaking with the league leader. Extremely comfortable even. It made Tomura feel suspicious again, scared there must've been something in the food he ate or that Chisaki was planning something sketchy. But even so, Kai remained harmless throughout the night.

    As Tomura was scarfing down his second plate of food, Overhaul had asked him one more question he wasn’t expecting, another question that baffled him WAY more than the last one. He locked his eyes with Chisaki again,”... can you repeat that?” he asked, not quite sure if he had heard him right. And as politely as Chisaki had reminded him last time, he repeated himself,” I said, are you single? It’s a simple yes or no question Shigaraki.” he said, taking another refreshing sip of his wine.

The league leader put his knife down as he processed the question and he started growing extremely impatient and snippy again,” what the hell kind of question is that…? Why does it matter if I'm single or not?! What are you planning? It better not be something stupid bird brain!” he snapped, getting defensive and anxious all over. Kai realized how personal the question may have been for the other and he was quiet for a minute as he thought of how delicately he should explain himself. He didn't even know why he had asked, but he also kinda did. Chisaki thought Tomura was absolutely revolting, that was for sure, but something about him was charming as well. Very charming indeed.

    Overhaul sighed and answered the other as softly as he could,” I have no idea why I asked myself, I’m not usually that bold with someone I have only met in person a few times.” he explained, rubbing his temple,” I’ll keep it plain and simple, I ended up liking you more than expected Shigaraki. My apologies if that makes things awkward as business partners, but it’s too late to take the question back now so… yeah. I was only curious, that’s all. No need to be concerned.” He said, trying to hide his own embarrassed blush behind his mask.

Of course Tomura was fucking speechless, didn’t this man call him disgusting not two days ago? Since when did ANYONE find Tomura Shigaraki likeable?! Aside from… a certain cheating bastard…  He couldn’t stop his own blushing, but that did not mean he was happy about this at all. No, he didn't like this a single bit! His feelings are in danger again, he was going to be sick! No! Fuck not again!

    “Absolutely not!” he stated, shaking his head,” I’m not playing that game, you think you can charm me with offering my league food, cooking for me, offering to buy me clothes all you want but I am NOT playing the dating game again! Drop it! This partnership is business only! Got it? Business! Or else there won’t be a partnership at all!” he growled threateningly, visibly shaking. It made Overhaul feel bad for him, he could almost tell exactly what was wrong. He wasn’t happy to see shigaraki panic like this over a simple matter such as his own attraction towards the other. He was quiet as he listened to the league leader list off reason after reason why he was pissed or why his attraction was bullshit until Tomura had run out of venom and was now only a shaking ball of rage sitting across from him. Shigaraki had only silenced himself because he was afraid he’d emotionally crack in front of the other, and he absolutely refused to show him any form of weakness or fear.

    … the silence continued. Neither know what to say to each other at all. The Yakuza head stared at his glass of wine, swishing it slightly as he seemed to be focused, reading the room, the words Tomura had said, and his body language. He lashed out as if he had insulted him. Chisaki knew he had to choose his next words carefully, but how should he fix this? He didn’t say he was in love with him. He barely knew him and only admitted the fact that he liked him more than he expected himself to. Why was Shigaraki so… upset?

    After another few minutes of silence, Shigaraki seemed to stop shaking and wasn’t breathing so heavily anymore. He was still clearly upset, but not steaming from pure rage. Kai took this time to clear his throat and finally speak,” I hear you… and I completely understand that you aren’t interested. Those feelings are valid, you barely know me. I barely know you…” he spoke in a calm and quiet tone, trying to help defuse the situation,” forgive me for asking another annoying question though… or don’t. It’s your decision. But, I would like to know what made you so upset. Because I know it wasn’t just me finding you strangely attractive…”
Shigaraki glared up at him again,” And why the fuck is that so interesting hm?” the league leader was getting very impatient with this. But kai continued anyway,” Because you seem hurt, not just angry… Someone or something made you develop a reaction like that over something as small as a man admitting his harmless feelings. I can only assume at least..” Chisaki took another sip of his wine and set his glass down.

    Tomura looked down at his unfinished second plate of food as memories flooded back into his head and he had actually covered his face this time, trying to physically stop himself from breaking so he could think. Overhaul had a point… he had lost his temper over something harmless again. Damn it… what should he even say? His eyes locked on Chisaki again when the other man shifted in his seat to probably begin talking again. So he listened, it was his turn to observe…

    “You don’t have to tell me anything Shigaraki, You owe me nothing. I should apologize for starting this, I planned this dinner in hopes of making you feel more comfortable around me and the organization… I seemed to have ruined that quickly.” Chisaki started,” I’m sorry, Tomura. I should have treated you with more respect, I hope we can move past this in the future. But ill tell you this, if someone out there is still breathing free air after hurting you that badly they will regret it. No one messes with my organization, not even my partners weather they are new or old.” Chisaki finished with another sip of wine. Tomura still said nothing, he finished his food and shoved the plate away,” I would like to go home now…” he finally said. Overhaul nodded, standing up so he could clean. Maybe one day he can make up for upsetting the other as he did, but for now all he could do was take him home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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