The Meeting

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   The next morning Tomura Shigaraki woke up and sighed, already feeling exhausted and stressed. he curled up on his side, staring at the empty half of his bed in silence and hugging his pillow to his chest. he'd thought all night about overhaul's invite and wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not. he thought for a while in silence before he eventually pulled himself out of the bed and stretched, cracking his back loudly and groaning as his stomach growled. of course he was hungry their fridge was back at their old base... fuck. he sighed and got dressed, pulling on a long coat with a fluffy scarf on the collar since it was getting a little chilly outside. he stepped out of his room into the quiet halls, looking around. Most of the league was still asleep.

   He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes to wake himself up a little bit more, writing a note saying he was going to the Yakuza hideout and leaving it in the main area for someone to find. Tomura walked out of the building and pulled the card out of his pocket, looking at the address again before making his way in that direction.

  After about 20 minutes of walking around he found himself at a sketchy looking set of buildings. as he stepped up to the front door he was immediately being held at gunpoint. a thug wearing a plague mask stared at him, demanding to know why he was there.
The league leader snarled at them, glaring sharply into their soul because he was too pissed to have the patience for this. he pulled the card out of his pocket again," overhoe told me to show up today..." he said, flicking the card at the thug and stuffing his hands in his pockets," get that gun out of my face before I turn it into ash jackass..."

  The Yakuza member immediately put his weapon away realizing the other was there for business and he scoffed," whatever, come on..." he opened the door and led Tomura inside.

   Soon the two group leaders were sitting across from each other in the Yakuza hideout, speaking about the deal Kai wanted. Tomura glared at Kai due to his own impatience and he scoffed," so you wanted my help with some shitty anti quirk thing?? What's the catch? you gonna shoot me with it or something?" he asked.
The plague doctor shook his head," it's a little more complicated than that. I'm not asking you to do something for payment only, I'm asking for a partnership. put yourself under me and we can work towards your goal of destroying the hero society together. sounds like a good deal??" he asked, tilting his head as he waited for his answer. Tomura thought it over for a few minutes and he shook his head," I won't be under anyone anymore... I don't take orders. If you want to work with me you'll be my equal. that's how partnerships fucking work..." he said, kicking his feet up on the coffee table and staring Kai down.
Overhaul narrowed his eyes at him," please get your feet off the table, that's filthy...." he said as politely as he could.

"I'll take my feet off when we have an agreement on bird face..." he said, glaring even more. He hated birds, so... so much, and this one was testing his patience. The two were silent for a minute before Kai sighed," fine. equal partnership. but there will be terms and conditions, as you may have guessed. you probably have your own as well. I'll hear yours out first."

Tomura felt a small amount of relief when he agreed to an equal partnership and he finally lifted his feet off the table," first of all, if any harm is to come to my league that even so much as hints that you caused whatever happened to them to occur I'll kill you. and you don't get to order them around either, you want something for them to do then that goes through me first, got that?" he said, leaning back a bit. overhaul was quiet but he soon nodded in agreement. Tomura continued," good... we want 50% of whatever you make money wise. if you couldn't tell by the building you visited yesterday we need it way more than you do…”
“You don’t play around when your little group is involved now do you…” Overhaul stated,” fine. That sounds pretty fair, my own terms and conditions should be pretty obvious.”

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