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Soooo I kinda change things a lil bit cause I'm crazy. But everytime a character is talking to you / talking about you then I'll use the "L/N" and F/N" but when narrating I'll use Y/N and it's up to you to read it as your first or last name IK I'm weird


It's 8:05AM, you're late for class yet you're walking. You did it on purpose cause you got sick of your classmates faces so it will take less time on looking at them.

You heard footsteps behind you. And it sounds like they're in a hurry cause the footsteps sounds are fast, which means someone is running. You look behind you and before you could see their face, they bumped into you causing the two of you to fell down. The fall was in a weird position. You guys almost kissed but good thing you covered your mouth. And they were holding your melons.

"I-I'm s-sorryy!" They apologized and you recognized the voice.

"Tsumiki~San?" You asked.

She opened her eyes, "L-L/N~San!?" She shockingly said and blushed. "I-I'm s-sorrryyyy!!"

"Stop apologizing and get off of me!" You said irritated.

Mikan got up and she offered her hand to help you but you rejected it. Then the two of you walked through the hallway.

Mikan opened the classroom door, "S-sorry I'm late to class, I fell down," Mikan said as she walk to her seat

"Sorry I'm late, I did it on purpose." You said. "Oh, and a certain someone bumped into me." You added and walked towards your seat.

"I'm s-sorryyy!!" Mikan cried.

"Let me guess. You caused trouble to Tsumiki~San again, huh?" Akane asked, you just ignored her.

"O-Owari~San s-she didn't do anything p-please don't blame h-her!" Mikan said but Akane didn't listen.

"Why are you always on picking on Tsumiki~San? Because she's weak? Well, you're weaker. Try to pick on someone who's stronger than you. You can't, right? Because you're weak."

"Stop being a hypocrite, Owari~San. You're not actually worried about Tsumiki~San. Cause when Saionji~San picks on her you don't even care, but when I do it's suddenly a big deal. So you don't really care about Tsumiki~San. You're just looking for another reason to hate me more." You told her, and she was not happy by it.

"No, that's wrong. I hate you because of your attitude," Akane said as she stood up while clenching her first.

"I see, resolving to violence because you can't accept the fact that I'm right." You said and did what Akane did.

"Guys stop!" Chiaki stood up in the middle of both of you. You pushed her.

Akane forwards while you did the same. You two were about to fight when someone pointed a knife on the both of you. It was a sign to stop of what's causing the ruckus. But as a stubborn girl you are, You gripped the knight causing the whole classroom shocked. You gripped it tightly causing your hand to bleed. You then threw the knife away. Mikan immediately ran towards you but you stopped her.

Akane was still shocked of what happened. It happened so fast you went to her and slapped her in the face causing the whole class snapped into reality. She touched her cheeks where you slapped it as she felt blood in it from your hands. You smirked as she clench her fist while rushing to you. She furiously punched you but you dodged it as you put a blood on her face causing her into the state of temporarily blinding. You clenched your fist. Positioning yourself to the best angle where you can knock down her. You landed a punch in her face. Your eyes widen as you saw her devilishly smirking. "Do you think that's enough? You weakshit!" She landed her strongest punch at you and flew. Miss Chisa was already late, you already fell and everything went black.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now