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Class just ended, Mikan is peacefully heading to the bus station where she encountered some degenerates people who does nothing but sexualizing other people. Although, Mikan was blushing despite being  harrased. She was traumatized so much it became her defense mechanism. She begged to stop but they keep touching her. She tried to stop them but she wasn't strong enough, she just closed her eyes and accepted that it always has been like this. She's weak. "I'm weak, I can't do anything why am I like this?" She thought. She opened her eyes when she noticed there are no more touches she felt. She saw Her, she felt safe, she felt happiness, she felt easiness. For the first time she felt being defended. Tears bursted out from her eyes. Never thought someone would do this to her. It makes her so happy her tears are flowing so much.

Y/N, who was bored the entire day, walking down the pavements of the school as she goes out from the gate and saw these disgusting males surrounding her. Without a second thought, she charged at those men, punching all of them as hard as she can. She doesn't care if she beats those guys to death, she doesn't care how much pain she is in. All she thinks about now is defending her.

Finally, those two men are on the ground now. Y/N turned to Mikan and asked if she was ok, "You okay? Did they do anything to you?"

"I-I'm alright! T-thank you f-for-"

Mikan got cut off because Y/N's phone rang, "Oh crap! Sorry I gotta run." Y/N dashed away, leaving Mikan there. The nurse slowly smiled to herself, being flattered that someone stood up for her by someone who she least expected to.

Meanwhile, Y/N arrived at her destination with bruises in her face. Sure her arm hurts but it doesn't stop her from playing. "You okay?" One of her playmates asked as she just nod.

"Alright let's start the game. Y/N will be on my team!" One of the players shouted.

But before the ball game starts, it suddenly got dark. "Oh shi- please tell me it's not gonna rain!"

"Rain or not, let's continue the game. Let's get started right now and play while there's still no water pouring down." Y/N said making everyone go to their positions and play the game.


"Alright. Let's get the day started! L/N won't be joining as today because she's sick." The adviser announced. "And since there's an upcoming exam we will spend the day studying." She added as the students groan.

"Damn it! I wanted to play video games!" Kazuichi complained.

"Well sorry. But you gotta pass the exams." Yukizome said.

Nagito turned to Mikan, seeing a worried expression on the nurse's look, "You alright?" Nagito asked.

Mikan then averted her eyes to the white haired boy, "Y-yes. Just a little worried about L/N."

The time went in a blink of an eye. The next thing the students knew it was already break time. Mikan took the opportunity to go to Y/N's house to check on her. She rang the doorbell and at least after a minute Y/N answered the gate, "Tsumiki what are you doing here?" Mikan didn't answer but instead she put her hand on to Y/N's forehead.

"You've got a high fever, h-have you eaten yet?" The nurse asked.

"No. My head aches so bad I haven't even fed my pets yet." Y/N answered.

"I w-wanna help."

"Come in." Y/N said as she gestured for the nurse to come inside.

"Y-you know you should really rest for now."

"Okay. I'll be in my room. Thank you for coming to help."

"Y-you're welcome!" Mikan replied as her cheeks turned red. And eventually Y/N went to her bedroom while Mikan went to the kitchen to cook ramen for Y/N.

Mikan finished preparing the ramen, and now she is bringing it to Y/N's room.
Y/N fixed herself as Mikan gently placed the tray on Y/N's lap.

After an hour, Mikan already cleaned all the utensils that were used for Y/N to eat the ramen. Now, the Nurse is gently tucking in the Athlete. "T-this should keep you warm." Mikan said.

"Thank you!" Y/N responded.

"Anyway... I gotta go now... we still have class."

Y/N frowned upon hearing Mikan's departure announcement, "Can't you stay here? It's not mandatory to attend class, is it?"

Mikan was flattered at Y/N's request. But even if she wants to stay, she can't. "L/N~San I w-would want to b-but Miss Chisa said we should attend classes b-because of the upcoming exams." She explained.

"Oh, I see. But seriously, thank you for sparing some of your time to take care of me. I deeply appreciate it." Y/N slightly smiled at Mikan.

"Well, g-goodbye, Y/N! Just keep yourself w-warm!" Mikan waved at Y/N while giving her a warm smile, Y/N did the same.

As soon as the Nurse left, the Athlete felt her lips curl in to a smile. She really felt appreciated by Mikan because she's always been there despite being a complete jerk to her. Years of being alone, she never expected that someone will be there for her, kind of why she was pissed at Mikan clinging on to her first but now it's okay for her for them to hangout together. She's been fiercly independent, but now she wouldn't mind letting other people help.

"Looks like having a little company isn't so bad after all." Y/N whispered to herself.

Who thought that out of all the students in her class, she'd enjoy the company of who she used to be annoyed at?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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