CHAPTER 9: Meeting The Reserve Course Students

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Mikan just got to Hope's Peak at 6:50AM. She's actually there early. Classes starts at 8AM. She got to the classroom as she saw you on your seat sleeping. "She must've been tired from the play," She thought to herself. She put her bag on her seat and went over to Chiaki's seat. She pulled Chiaki's seat and sat down. The Nurse started to stroke your hair gently.

Soon after, Mikan heard the classroom door open. She turned around as she saw the Ultimate Princess. She put her bag on her seat and sat on Ibuki's seat. "L/N was really good at the game yesterday," The Princess said at the Nurse as she smile.
The Violet Haired Girl smiled and nodded in response.

"You were the first one to go in the stadium and was also wearing her merches. Do you have feelings for her?" Sonia asked.

"N-no.... I... S-she just a friend." Mikan responded.

"Are you sure?"

The Nurse paused for a moment,

"Or you're still unsure?" The Princess said. Mikan snapped out from her thoughts.

"Y-yeah... Maybe that's it..." Mikan replied.

"I know someone who could help you know your feelings for her!" The Blonde cheered.

It's...." Sonia was about to say the name but she stopped when they heard someone come in.

"Good morning!" The Red Haired greeted.

"Oh. The pig's here!" Hiyoko said in a disgusted tone.

"Hiyoko. Stop." Mahiru scolded the Dancer. She averted her eyes on Mikan and Sonia and saw you sleeping. "L/N must be tired from the play." She said.

"Y-yeah... She d-did pretty well y-yesterday, she w-was incredible." Mikan said.

"Pretty sure Owari~Onee can do it too! She's not special!" Hiyoko spouted.

"I think she wouldn't last a minute," Sonia said.

"That's harsh!" Mahiru said.


"Hinata~Kun!" Chiaki called as she was running towards the guy.

"Nanami~San..." He whispered.

"Do you know about the Sport Fest in Hope's Peak?" The Gamer asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Hajime replied.

"Why don't you join?" The Gamer exclaimed.

"I wish I can but I don't have any talent," He frowned.

"Hmm... I know.. Play basketball! You're tall after all,"

"Basketball? I-I can't! I'm not good with sports!" Hajime refused

"I know someone who can teach you how," Chiaki cheered


Chiaki nodded in response. "Anyway. I'l get going now. Bye!" She said and left.

Hajime blushed, "Thank you for the offer and bye!" "She wants me to learn basketball and join for the sportfest? She really trust and believes in me, huh?" Hajime thought to himself.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora