Part 3: The breakdown

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=^Ray went to bed and started having a nightmare. She saw just black and her skin was almost fully white and she felt weak. She was tied to a chair and she saw Blade with a half sunrise and half sunset crystal blade as sharp as Reaper.^=

Blade: "Wow Raven the best soul ever known to anyone, has a fatal infection and a severe weekness to a blade found in the light souls relm. Impressive!"

Ray: =^she couldn't speak as she had a shard of a sunset crystal in her arm and was tied to a chair.^=

Blade: "why is it so easy to kill soulish legends? Are they liars? Are they... Weak? Or are they stu-

=^Ray had twisted the chair over her head and broke it in half even though it was metal. Her eyes were red with rage and she was breathing hard.^=

Luca: "RAY WAKE UP!!"

=^Ray shot awake and looked at him in panic^=

Lightwave: "Ray what happend? You have been yelling for hours and wouldnt wake up... another bad dream?" =^light sounded worried and lucas, Luca, and mage all looked at her worried^=

Ray: "I... I t-t-think im-m ok.." =^she was shaking and stuttering alot^=

Lucas: "your eyes are red Ray you need to calm down." =^Lucas pointed to the mirror^=

=^The others nodded and she saw her eyes were red so she layed on the bed and started breathing slowly until her eyes were purple again^=

Ray: "better... so why are you here mage?"

Mage: "you uhh.. called me.. plus im goanna try and take a sample from ur infection if it wont be a problem... ill try and find a cure, for good hopefully"

=^Ray nodded and took her hood off while mage got a regular iron blade out to cut off some of the infection in the skin. Ray winced then when mage was done she grabbed a cloth from her bag and soked it to make sure she didnt bleed out.^=

Luca: "you sure ur ok?"

Ray: "when am i ever sure..?"

=^Ray grabbed clothes and went to her bathroom to change into black and white rose camo pants snd a black and purple shirt with a hood^=

Lucas: "go train before you get attacked with questions"

Ray: "ok ok" =^she reached behind her and Reaper flew into her hand. she walked out and started training, forcing herself to keep going when she was close to passing out^=

Lucas: "stop your goanna hurt yourself, you need to go help the souls... blade isnt a good person and is hurting them"

=^Rays eyes turned red and she disappeared into a shadow and Lucas followed"

Ray: "BLADE COME HERE N-" =^She was hit over the head and couldnt see strait. She woke up about an hour later^=

Blade: "well well well... look who we have here, a soulish legend who couldn't hide her weakness to a crystal and will be dying cause she gave someone a 2nd chance"

Ray: "shut up idiot your nothing but a pi-"

=^blade threw a crystal hitting her in the arm making it numb^=

Blade: "try again?"

=^she didnt answer and started to move her shoulders to get the chair above her head^=

Blade: "good now I can kill you faster"

=^when he lunged Ray flipped the chair over and bashed his skull inwards breaking the chair and chains setting her free^=

Ray: "Ass hole."

=^she teleported back to the souls telling them she was fine then went back to her room and changing into a wolf for a bit^=

Mind: "midnight you cant take control like that nobody can know its bad enough we growl"

Midnight (Rays wolf): "fine fine fine ill stop but you owe me a run through the forest. Deal?

Ray: "deal"

=^ she walked a bit away then she started to slowly loose her vision only seeing Lucas run toward her as she fell^=

(ALRIGHT short chapter but ill make more soon, i have been destracted and i will try to work on it more. Cheack out Averyhappychild, WaylonRye and LoveLoki07 for their stories! Also for Averyhappychild 's eyes only: im doing that infection part in the rp and the passing out because of it next time we rp, super excited!!

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