A new curse

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(This chapter is abt Ravens 1st born daughter and her only grandchild who is 4 in the rp. Visit Averyhappychild because I rolplay with her and I run ideas by her to help me. Gotta admit the 1st paragraph is awsome)

=^Anna watched as Ray fell to the ground and hit her head. She panicked and yelled for mage before getting hit in the shoulder by an arrow. Overwhelmed scared and worried, she shot a wave of fire around her knocking out anyone within 10 yards. Then mage came over calming her down^=

Mage: "Anna calm down, Ray will be ok she just passed out because she used too much magic at once. She will wake up when her energy returns."

=^Lucas walked over and carried Ray into the medical cave so they could treat any wounds and help the energy recover faster.^=

Anna: "Im sorry abt the fire, it was only enough to get them to back off, i got overwhelmed and panicked..."

Mage: "Anna, when Ray was pregnant with you she was the same way, its your instincts to protect yourself and anyone your close to. With Ray, she will die to protect any one of you. She changed her name to protect Glitch and them."

=^Anna saw Mage was looking at a memmory then started reading her mind^=

|Ray: you never cared abt my skills before.
mage: I thought we all change, Lunala

=^Mage looked at Anna with a sad face then went to help with Ray. Anna followed then waited as Mage told the doctor to take care of her and her baby^=

Anna: =^to herself^= "why did mage say that... who was the 'her', does lucas know? Does anyone but us three know-?"

《 the next day 》

Mage: "Anna you ok"

=^Anna looked around and saw many people with scratches, arrows, small daggers, and even what looked like burns^=

Anna: "w-what happened"

Mage: "we dont know, people barged in and started attacking, one stabbed Ray in the leg, she is still alive but she cant heal that unless she is awake.."

=^Anna looked pissed then walked out of her room to Ravens and sat on the couch till Luca and Lucas came in then told them what happened^=

Lucas: "im the one who killed the dude, nobody hurts anyone im close to without being hurt."

Anna: "they arnt letting me do anything till the baby is born. Its very annoying. I have been fighting since i was 5 and could use a knife since i was 2, i can fight with a few extra pounds."

Lucas: "what if you got stabbed in the stomach? Or what if you get a sudden pain in the middle of a battle and you get killed or captured. And your almost due, you should be in a medical bed waiting, not checking on Ray."

=^Anna took out her blade, flame, then staired at Lucas^=

Anna: "im staying with my mother till i am due. End of discussion."

=^Lucas chuckled^=

Lucas: "Like mother like daughter."

=^Luca laughed for once in the conversation^=

Anna: "Luca you ok?"

Luca: "I-im fine.. i would like you to get a medical room but i know how you feel abt Ray, ill give you the couch and ill sleep on the floor."

=^Anna paused^=

Anna: "Ill get a medical room, ill be due in 2 days then ill chill in here"

Luca: "That would make everyone a bit happier"

Anna: "Yeah... i suppose ill give you and Lucas 2 days to have alone time"

=^Luca and Lucas both started talking and blushing then Anna went to the front desk and got herself a room^=

Doctor: "You will stay here for 3 days and will stay in the hospital for a week."

Anna: "got it, after the 3rd day ill be in Raven's room."

=^The doctor nodded then left^=

Anna: =^to herself^= "poor Luca... he has known Ray since she was born... This must hurt him alot, she has already been out for 3 days, she has been out for a day max in the past... she didnt have time to rest when she went to get me... i shouldn't have asked her to get me"

=^Anna had punched the bed. Mage then knocked and walked in^=

Mage: "its not your fault kid. You know as much as me that once Jamey called to tell her she would have went in without anyone knowing. Then what would have happend?"

=^Anna paused then layed down on the bed close to crying at the thought^=

《                  a few days later                      》

Mage: "Anna, your sister is here and you can finally leave this room."

Anna: "Great, i also wanna bring forest if thats ok."

=^mage looked at the baby in the crib^=

Mage: "thats fine, you have to be cairful tho."

=^anna walked over and grabbed forest then followed mage into Rays room. Lucas turned around and gave her a side hug before talking^=

Lucas: "Glad you made a full recovery. Jamey will be here after she puts her stuff in her room."

=^Lucas turned to look at the couch where Luca was sleeping^=

Anna: "how is he doing-?"

Lucas: "not good, not good at all. He has only slept 2 hours within 4 days..."

=^Anna looked down and it was silent for a while then Jamey walked in^=


=^Jamey went to hug her then realized she had a baby in her arms. She smiled and gave her a side hug to be cairful^=

Anna: "her name is forest. She gets her checkup in a week to see if she carries the curse."

Jamey: "I have memorized each one of our health issues and phobias."

Anna: "of course you did."

Jamey: "Mom has OCD and fears that she will be killed while she is asleep. You have ADHD, thats why you choose to fight, you are deadly terrified of spiders. And i have anxiety, my fear is open spaces and crowded spaces."

Anna: "yeah yeah i get it, your memmory is  really good."

=^Jamey laughed then they all were playing board games^=

Luca: =^groggy^= "how long was i asleep-?"

Lucas: "not long enough, only 4 hours."

Luca: "I cant sleep all day, i have to stay with Ray.."

=^Jamey yawned then looked at Anna who was half asleep^=

Jamey: "we call it a night? Everyone is tired"

=^Lucas nodded then picked up Luca and set him on the floor with a pillow and blanket while he set up a sleeping bag and helped Jamey get Anna onto the couch. Once they all got settled they all went to sleep.^=

(Thank you all for reading! I love forest so much. She is a werewolf, mafwa, light soul, dark soul, forest mage. Anna, her mom is a mafwa dark soul werewolf dark mage. Next chapter i post will be information on everyone. Someone requested it because it was kinda confusing. Visit Averyhappychild because she will be updating later on! Cya in a few days! Or a few weeks whichever i get to 1st!)

Raven the WarriorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin