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"Izuku! Slow down, we're gonna hit something!" Uraraka yells from beside him. 

"If I slow down, we'll get in trouble! Did you forget the police are on our ass?!"

"I can't have us get caught. Midoriya and I would get sent to juvie!" Shinso states from the back seat.

"If you guys weren't always so fucking reckless then you wouldn't have to go." Todoroki reprimands. 

Izuku takes a sharp turn into a closeted neighborhood. 

"This is a one-way Izuku!" 

"I wish Iida was here," Asui says as she puts her hands up to pray. 

"We'll be fine Tsu," Izuku reassures before Uraraka grabs the wheel. 

"What are you doing?!"

"Look ahead, idiot!"

Izuku looks up to see another car speeding towards them. He turns abruptly and runs through someone's mailbox and into their front yard.

"Shit. Everyone alright?" Various 'yeah' and 'im fine' 's follow. 

"Welp, I'm definitely getting sent to juvie,"


"So you stole your mom's car, stole from a convenience store, ran from the police, and then nearly hit an old lady?"

"Uh... yeah I guess," Izuku responds. 

"What's the issue? You keep getting into trouble no matter what."

"Listen, I'm super sorry! For real this time! I didn't mean to run into her lawn!"

"It's a little too late for that, Yagi is on his way,"

 "No! Why'd you call him?"

"Your behavior is too out of hand. You may be a nice kid, but your behavior is horrible,"

Izuku drops his head on the table as he starts to think about what he'll tell him. 


"Hello, Izuku?"

"Hey, Yagi,"

"I told you it's okay to call me Toshinori," Izuku nods.

"I know I'm not your father by blood, and I'm not the greatest, but I want you to tell me how you've been feeling lately."

"I've been fine. But I'd feel even better if I could get the hell out of here,"

"Soon. Now, what made you take your mom's car? You have no license and you could've gotten hurt."

"I don't know, I just felt like it. And you're rich anyway just buy her another one,"

"Haha, that's true. Though I hate to break it to you're going to have to go to a juvenile detention center. I made the choice for you."

"What? Why would you choose for me to go to juvie!?"

"It was either that or you'd go to real jail. I think I chose the better out of the two. Though, I apologize." Izuku sighs. He and Yagi both start to walk to the front of the station, where they see Izuku's friends, with the addition of Izuku's mother, Inko. 

"So, are you going to juvie?"

"Yeah, what about you guys?"

"I narrowly avoided it because my dad works at the center, and those three don't have a list."

"Damn, you guys are lucky, promise to check up on me alright?"

"Of course!" Uraraka says as she jumps on him, arms wrapped around his neck. 

"Hehe, thanks, I have to go though, catch you guys later?"

Pro Tip: Steal Your Mom's CarWhere stories live. Discover now