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"Izuku, be good okay? And stay safe! And don't hurt yourself or anyone! And-" 

"Okay mom, I get it! I'm only gonna be gone for like 2 months, I promise I'll call you kay? I'm not going to the army."

"I know, I'll just miss you is all,"

"Think of it as a vacation. You and Toshinori can spend more time together now,"


"Let him go, Inko, he'll be fine,"

Izuku smiles as he sees a bus coming down the street. 

"Bye guys! See ya in a bit,"


Izuku has been sitting on the bus for 30 minutes, just staring out of the window. The guy at the front of the bus took his phone from him already so now he's bored. He only looks away from the window when the kid in the seat next to him tries to call to him.

"Hey, dude, what's your name,"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, what's yours," he responds. He actually gets a good look at the guy and sees his white hair,  weird thick eyelashes, and unnaturally pointed teeth.

"I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. But you can call me Tetsu for short."


"What? I know my name is weird alright? My mom didn't know what to name me,"

Izuku doesn't respond because he doesn't know what to say. "I promise, it's super fun here, though one of the staff is super strict, the rest are pretty cool,"

"How do you know that?"

"I was here before,"


"Alright you all, let's go. Go directly to the back, there's gonna be a staff member waiting for you. I know it's nighttime, but you'll get introduced and set up quickly so we can get it over with. "

"Seriously? I'm tired!" a girl, with long orange hair in a ponytail and green eyes says. 

"Sorry kid, if I could control the schedule I'd change it too. I'm just the janitor."


"'Ooh new people, it's been a while.' 'That guy kinda looks like a twelve-year-old.' 'Ooh, she's pretty.' 'Woah that white hair guy kinda looks like me!' 'What the fuck?!'


"Okay here are the room rules and placements." 

1. No yelling or disturbing when your mate is asleep.

2. No eating in the rooms.

3. No balcony without permission.

4. No sneaking out in the middle of the night. 

5. No sneaking into rooms of another gender. 

"Do those sound reasonable enough?" She receives a series of nods back. 

"Good, because rule breakage will give you an extra week here with cleaning duty. Also, here are your room numbers, you can head there now and then meet... Kayama at the front. My name is Anakuro, you can call me Thirteen."


"Hey dude, why do you look like you've seen a ghost? You've been here long enough to not be shocked when you see new kids."

"Mind your business, I'll tell you later,"

"Hey Aizawa, are the new kids gonna come back out here?"

"Yeah. Just for introductions before the lights go out,"


"Woah, this room is so manly! There's so much exercise stuff! And is that a rock collection!?" (Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu bunked with Kirishima Eijiro)

"I'm guessing this girl is pretty organized. It's really neat. And it smells good." (Kendo Itsuka bunked with Yaoyorozu Momo)

"Cool." (Yui Kodai bunked with Ojiro Mashirao)

"Not sparkly enough." (Aoyama Yuga bunked with Sato Rikido)

"This room is super cool! There is so much cool merch! Woah, these pillows are decorative too! I bet this roommate and I will get along just fine." (Izuku Midoriya bunked with Bakugo Katsuki)


"Alright you guys, unpack the rest of your stuff later. We gotta make this quick before lights out."


"Say whatever name you like to be called and one thing you like." 

"'I'm Yui. I like matryoshka dolls.' 'I'm Kendo, I like motorcycles.' 'I'm Tetsu, I like... everything!' 'I'm Yuga! I like anything with glitter and anything that involves moi!' 'I'm Izuku, I like-"

 Izuku tries to finish but is tackled by a blond kid, about his age, staring at him with burning scarlet eyes. 

"What the fuck are you doing here? Deku!"


Pro Tip: Steal Your Mom's CarWhere stories live. Discover now