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(ok this part is kind of a shit post cause I'm lazy but it is an actual real part to the story. this convo is Phil and techno btw.)

"So techno you have fought every creature this server has to offer right."


Philza holds up a picture of ranboo

"What about this."

"The fuck is that?"

"I was hoping you could tell me!"

"Well he kind of looks like an enderman but also not???"




"Where did you get this picture?"

"Well soooo he's a kind of in the guest room. His name is ranboo."

"Wait what?!"

Just loud thump from the gest room upstairs

"Philza what the actual fuck."

(in this I'm kind of making techno a hunter of like everything ... but he takes notes and is smart ok?! ~lemon <3)

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