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I never thought in a million years that Journey Falcon would have called me and asked me to come to Dallas to visit with her. When I went and told Nykky about that phone call, she about lost her mind. She told me I'd be stupid not to go. We had felt major vibes off of Journey that night in New Orleans. She had an incredible aura. It was red when she came off the bus. It was obvious she and Travis had just had sex on the bus that night.

Travis' aura that night was orange and red. It was gorgeous. It was when Kent walked up to me that everything changed. He took my hand in his to shake it and it was like everything stopped for a moment. Our eyes caught one another's. His eye color shifted slightly a little darker as he smiled at me. I remember the way he smiled at me. When he put his arm around to take the photo, it felt calm but tingly feeling. I wasn't sure what that was about.

Nykky told me I had enough vacation time built up to go see what Journey wanted. She was the boss in the office, even though we were really equals. The only person that could fire any of us were the owners. She, Morgan and I worked our asses off all the time. That job was my life except for my kids. I was actually getting ready to finally move out of my parents' house since Klaus moved to Savannah for college.

Nykky's daughter decided to stay where she was and Nykky was dying for a roommate. I told her I would come move in with her finally and she was so excited. Since this came up, we put it on hold so I could go on this trip. I was a big ball of nerves and excited all at once. I had followed In This Moment since the beginning. Maria and Chris had been there from the beginning, when they finally got Randy, Travis and then Kent, ITM seemed to be perfect finally.

I still couldn't believe that Journey put me in first class on this flight. This was awesome. I loved the extra room. I had lost more weight, but I was still chubby compared to most of my friends. My boobs are freaking huge. I have a big ass. I absolutely hate my abdomen. Don't let that fool you though, I love myself. That took a long time though.

Since I had taken this time off, I went and saw my hair stylist for a new hairdo. I took the plunge and did cotton candy pink. She shaved the sides down pretty good. It eliminated a lot of my grey hair as well. I had on my strapless leopard print tunic top along with some black leggings. The further away I got from people that brought me down, the more confident I felt about myself. I felt like I was going towards people that were going to accept me the way I was.

People always thought I was a little on the strange side. I had always been different my entire life. I heard things that others different. I could see auras. I knew when things happened before they happened. I was 'sensitive'. I finally started doing research and figured out how to protect myself from other people. Most of the time I wore a clear quartz or a black tourmaline necklace. I remember Journey making a comment about talking to her about stuff like this.

Maybe she was like me. Maybe Travis and Kent were too. I would find out when I get to Dallas and spend time with them. We were finally making our descend into the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. Journey had sent me both Travis and Kent's phone numbers. She said they were coming to pick me up. I didn't know what to think about that. Made me a little nervous.

As soon as I got into the airport, I texted them both.

Headed to pick up my suitcase from baggage claim. Not sure of the rules here, but I think it's 8C. I have cotton candy pink hair now and I'm short.

I hit send and just shook my head at myself. Ya big dummy. Idiot. Bonehead.

I got to baggage claim and was watching for my bag. Finally seeing Athena (yes, I named my suitcase, don't judge.), I reached out and grabbed her. Jerking, I got her up and pulled out the handle for a hand to go over mine. That tingling sensation immediately hit me. Turning my head, it was Kent.



"I love your hair."

"Thank you."

"I like this strapless action you have going on."

I smiled at him.

"Am I chopped liver over here?"

"Hey Travis," I said, turned and hugged him.

"Let's get out of here."


What is happening here?

Wait, I can hear Journey in my head. Wow!

Relax honey. Just let it happen. Don't be scared.

I'm not scared. I'm fascinated.

Kent is your twin flame. You feel complete now. Like a puzzle piece.

Yes, yes I do. Can anyone besides you hear me?

My mom can hear you too. You are an Earth sign, Krystyn. We share a birthday. You are meant to be here with us.

Are you Wiccan?

No. But we have magik in our family. You have magik in you. We will help you unlock it.

Is that what we are doing right now?
To a degree yes.

I stepped closer to Kent as he did the same; our eyes never left one another.

I'm chubby compared to all of you.

Kent doesn't care, look at how he is looking at you.

I'm older than him.

More you can teach him. Quit with the excuses, Krys.

What do I do?

If he doesn't kiss you, kiss him. It will strengthen and seal the twin flame bond between you. It will begin to unlock your magik and his.

Finally, I just decided to go for it. I got up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips into his with so much fervor. I felt a flutter in my belly. My hands ran up his chest and around his neck pulling him into me more. Opening my lips, a little more, I lightly bit his bottom lip for him to moan a little. I ran my tongue across his and he pulled me into him more. My entire body felt like I was laying on an ocean wave.

It was like I was floating in his arms. It was beautiful. It made me feel so alive, so sexy. My hands went into his hair and slightly pulled it. He moaned again. It was almost like I didn't want it to stop. I felt at peace. I felt home. It was very overwhelming and powerful. The way he kissed me back was literally breathtaking. We finally pulled from the kiss, and he put his forehead against mine.

"Why did that feel like I was floating in the ocean? That was mind-blowing," I whispered.

"Where have you been all my life," he asked looking me in my eyes, almost as if looking into my soul.

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