~Chapter 8~

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Just like the last one, I had Travis wipe Sebastian's memory. Jax then got him away from the venue. I went over to the In This Moment bus and walked on it to check on the girls. Grey came up to me first.

"Mom, is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is okay now."

"What happened," Journey asked as she came out from the back. "Is this like the last time with Aria?"
"It was something similar, yes. But the person has been dealt with and removed from the premises. You are fine."

"What is going on," Grey asked. "Mom, just talk to me."
I looked over at Journey and she nodded her head at me.

"Well, come sit down with me then," I said to her.

Journey came and sat down with me on the love seat type piece of furniture. The girls sat down in the chairs. The others came up on the bus but walked past us to the back.

"Journey is pregnant was some special babies, Grey."

"When you say special, what do you mean?"
"Magic," I said plainly.

"Oh, I see," Grey said.

"This is something pretty big. This is part of a bigger plan, a divine intervention."

"Okay, I think I'm following you."

"When Journey met Travis, it started a chain reaction of putting the puzzle pieces together."

Travis came up and sat down beside Journey as I was talking.

"They are soul mates and twin flames, which makes their bond even stronger. It ignited their inner magik. Journey comes from a long line of Celtic earth magik. This was her destiny, but someone decided to screw with her destiny. Someone or some people are after one of the babies."

"Why just one," Grey asked.

"Because they are after the boy. The girls, they don't want them."

"How do you know the sex of the babies?"
"All of my clairs were gifted to me. I know things. I see things. Sometimes I see things I don't want to see. I hear things. I have magik in me. You have magik in you. We have a line of ancestors of witches in our family."

"We do?"
"Yes, we do. The thing is, is you have to be opened to accept it or it will not come to you. I can see that you are almost to that point right now. You just needed confirmation. Grey, listen to me," I said, stood up and took her hands in mine. "If something happens and I have to make a quick decision to keep that boy safe, I want you to know that you and your existence has saved my life more than once. I love you, infinity."

"Your hands," Journey said.

I looked down and my hands were glowing that beautiful pale white glow. Looking back up, Grey looked fascinated more than anything. She looked at me and then down at our hands.

"Don't let go," I said softly. "Whatever it is, let it run its course."

"I won't let go, mama."

Kent walked up to us and pulled us into his arms. It was like the feeling intensified when he did.

"You are my family now," he said to more so Grey than to me. "If you're Krys' daughter, then I consider you, my daughter. I know your mother has given you a lot, information today and tonight. Some of it may be scary, maybe uncertain, but Grey, I promise you that I will not let anything hurt her."

"I can feel your honesty," Grey said calmly.

"Empathy, just like your mama," Kent said.

Kent let go of us and the light from my hands slowly died. I let go of her and she looked at us.

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