~Chapter 1~

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Krystyn and I were with Poppy at her office. She was my go-to in how to handle things business-wise.

"Okay, so let me get this straight, you want to hire Krystyn to be your personal doula and she is going to travel with you while you are on the road."


"How did you find Krystyn again?"

"She came to our show in New Orleans."

"Oh, alright. Well, if Journey wants to hire you, I can't stop her. This is her decision. Do you want me for salary negotiations?"

"Oh, I already know I'm going to pay her $100,000 for now. I'll pay her how the label paid us. Half now, half at the end of the tour. If you will have Richard draw up a simple contract for us to sign, we will get this side of it handled."

"Right now?"

"Right now, Poppy."

"Yes, alright. Give me a few minutes to get him on the phone."

She came back and sat down at the table with us.

"I told Richard what you wanted. He said he will draw up a simple contract stating that you are hiring Krystyn has your personal doula for the duration of your pregnancy, and she will travel with you during the concert tours. He said he will have it finished by after lunch time. Would you like to go to lunch?"

I looked at Krystyn.

"What every you want to do, Journey."

"Sure, why not, Poppy. Let's go have lunch together. We haven't had a good visit in a while."

"Great. Would you like to go Sfuzzi's?"

"Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea."

We went and had a wonderful Italian lunch with Poppy. We got to know Krystyn a little bit better. When we got back to the office, Richard was there with her contract. Krystyn wanted to call Nykky before she signed to tell her what was going on. She got her on the phone and put her on speaker phone.

"Nykky, I'm here with Journey, her agent, Poppy Herrington and her attorney, Richard Banner."

"What's going, Krys? Everything ok?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I wanted to talk to you before I do what I'm about to do."

"Oh, no," she said and let out a huge sigh.

"Journey offered me a job that I just cannot turn down."

"How long will you be gone?"

"At least nine months," I said and made a face.

"Are you going on tour with them," she asked, almost excited.


"Well, shit, Krys, I don't blame you! Hell yeah, girl. Go! What are you going to be doing?"

"I'm going to be Journey's personal assistant. I'll be a Wonderland girl."
"Morgan, get in here," I heard her yell.

I tried not to laugh at her.

"What's going on," I heard Morgan ask.

"Krys got hired by Wonderland to go on tour with them!"

"Nice! Congrats honey. You deserve it."

"Nykky, if you can't hold my position, I'll understand."

"Girl, I'll get a temp in here to cover for you until you come back. We will miss you. You'd be stupid not to do this."

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