Slushiholic (Michael x M! Reader)

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Written by ClaraAngel88. Requested by Stay_Chill166
Surprise, I came back lol
Warnings: None

I was standing behind the counter at the local 7-Eleven and bored out of my mind. It was summertime at my school, specifically the summer before my junior year, so I was able to work morning shifts now. Unfortunately, that means the gas station decided to schedule me nearly everyday, and they worked me as many hours as they could without letting it become a full-time job. I work about 39 hours a week, and it’s boring. 

There are perks to my job, though. My boss lets me go on my phone or do homework when there are no customers, I can take a snack or two everyday, the pay is decent for the ease of the work, and, most importantly, we have one regular who comes in every single day.

Michael Mell. He comes in either in the morning or afternoon, gets a slushy, and then we just talk until he needs to leave. We share plenty of classes and interests, and he's just-Michael is just cool. Well, to me at least. 

I find myself adjusting my ugly uniform polo when I see the aforementioned boy walk in the door. “Uh-hey Michael!” I greet, giving the other male a smile and an awkward wave. He looks at me as I call out and smiles brightly in return. 

“Hey (Y/N)! Been busy today?” he replies casually, walking towards the slushy machine as usual. Despite the hot weather, Michael’s wearing his typical hoodie and pants. I always like to look at all the patches on his hoodie, but my eyes are drawn to a rainbow patch. 

"Not really - did you get a new patch?" I opt to question him casually. In reality, I was testing to see if it meant something specific. 

His eyes widen a little, and he looks down the arm of his sleeve. "Oh, uh, yeah! I just got it the other day," he murmurs a little reluctantly. 

I nod to acknowledge him. If he got it recently, it's probably because stores started putting out little pride displays for pride month. By pride displays, I guess I mostly mean gay guys displays because the only flag they ever have is the rainbow. "Is it for pride month?" I inquire. 

Michael stares at me with his mouth partially open, but it soon forms a smile. "It is," he says proudly. I smile back, and I swear I hear my heart flutter. 

"That's uh-That's cool," I stammer and rub my neck, "Do you-um-have a boyfriend or partner or anything?"

Michael raises an eyebrow. "No? Why?"

"Um-no, it's nothing."

"Right-so slushie. What flavors do you have today?"

"Same as usual-" I tear my eyes away from the patch and scratch at my palm, "-Well, we do have a new one. It's mountain dew flavored."

"Sounds gross," Michael chuckles. 

I smile and glance down at the counter, not wanting to accidentally lose myself in his earthen eyes. "Yeah-yeah, it kinda does huh?" I laugh, voice-cracking. "Um-"

"I'll just go with red cherry again," Michael cuts me off with a soft smile, and I quickly nod. "And the large cup, please."

"80 cents." Michael hands me the coins and I turn around. I grab the slushie cup and lid, and I fill it to the very top - a little overflowed. I hand it to Michael, although our fingers graze one another's. "Um-"

"If you wanted to ask me out, you could just say so," Michael laughs quietly. 


He furrows his eyebrows. "What?"

"Receipt-do you, like, want your receipt?"

"Pfft-sure. And a pen." Michael sets the slushie on the counter as I put his receipt down with the requested pen. He quickly scribbles something down, takes his slushie, and heads out. "See you tonight."

I stand with my mouth slightly a gap, and I quickly pick up the paper and look it over. 

Meet me at the park at 6 tonight. Here's my number if you decide to get lost: xxx-xxx-xxx

I stare at the words for the longest time, rereading and rereading and rereading. I guess it's a date?


I stand at the entrance of the park and shake my leg as I wait. I'm not really dressed up, per se, but I did put on a nice button-up and some casual dress pants. I look around at the people passing by. 

"I didn't think you'd get here early," Michael laughs and approaches me under the shaded sky. 

"I um-it's only 5:45. I just didn't want to be late and um-"

"Dude, calm down, I'm just teasing. Come on, let's watch the sun finishing setting," he chuckles and shakes his head. I follow him as he walks towards a nearby bench.

He plops down, and I slowly take a seat next to him. My eyes don't leave Michael's face for a little while, although I quickly look up to the sky when he catches my staring. I scratch the back of my neck and look at the oranges, pinks, and various other colors painted along the sky. I start to let my muscles relax, leaning back against the bench and letting my hand fall in between me and Michael. 

"You're pretty cute, you know," Michael murmurs, and my eyes widen. 

"Hu-Huh? I, um-"

Michael laughs, but he seems a little tense himself. "You overfill my slushie every single day I come in."

"Er-yeah, because, uh, you're cute too," I mumble, pulling at the hair on my neck. 

Michael stares at me for a moment but quickly looks away. "Than-Thanks," he stammers. I notice him fiddling with the drawstrings on his sweatshirt. 

I can't think of anything else to say, so I stare up at the sky. I soon feel his hand brush mine, and I glance down at the bench. I quickly look back up and gulp quietly. 

"I've been a little - I've been interested in you for a while now. I just wasn't sure if you were, you know, interested in guys," Michael admits. 

"Um-same. You always seemed chill."

"Yeah, you too."

We fall into another awkward silence. 

"Uh-do you like video games?" Michael questions, and I freeze as his fingers gently hook around mine. I sit there for a second too long. 

"Uh, yeah! Yeah. I do. Uh, you're probably better at them than I am though-"

"Do you wanna come back to my house and play for a bit? My moms can make us sundaes or something," Michael smiles. 

I nod a little, but then- "Wait, uh, I kinda just walked here. I dunno how far your house is but I-"

"I can drive you. Don't worry," he chuckles and ruffles my hair, making my breath hitch for a moment. 

"Okay, cool," I mumble, turning my gaze back up to the sky in an attempt to collect myself. I watch the sun continue to disappear before eventually standing up. 

I suddenly feel lips against my cheek, and I quickly turn to see Michael standing next to me. "Thanks for coming today. Uh, let's head out?" Michael grabs my hand, and I couldn't respond. 

"Yeah-yeah, um, cool," I murmur, following the brunette to his car. 

It was all a little awkward, but it was a lovely first date followed by many more dates to come. 

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