My Knight in a Blue-Striped Polo (Evan Hansen x F! Reader)

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A/N: 1,204 words! This one may be a little sad but I am proud of it. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. By Pigpegacatamermicorn.

I stand at the bottom of a beautiful oak tree, squinting up at its swaying branches. Temporarily blinded by sunlight I glance back down at the trunk. I've never climbed a tree before, but there is a first time for everything, right?

I begin to scale the branches one by one, careful to place my foot in just the right spot each time. Right arm, left foot. Left arm, right foot. I find a rhythm and it feels like nothing. As if I am walking on solid ground. About twenty feet up I stop and rest on a big branch.

My breath escapes me from not only the climb but the view. All I see are trees for miles, trees illuminated by the daylight. Majestic trees swaying in the light fall breeze. I close my eyes and let my hair whip in the mild wind, I feel as if I'm flying. Free, like a bird. But just as quickly as the feeling came to me, it escaped.

Now I felt as if I was falling, only it wasn't just a feeling... it was a reality. A small yell escapes my vocal chords as I slip downwards at a fast pace. I am plummeting to my ultimate doom, I'm going to die here and how. I shut my eyes even tighter, awaiting the painful jolt of death.

I feel my body hit another object and a noise escapes from under me. To afraid to open my eyes I lay there to scared to move. Am I alive? Am I paralyzed? What is happening?

"Um... excuse me." said a soft, exhausted voice. "Could you please move, you are kind of smashing my lungs."

Using what little strength I have, I slowly sit up and off of the foreign object beneath me. I feel my butt hit the ground, and I curl my shaking body into a ball. I. Almost. Died. I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I flinch, the hand quickly retracts. Though quick, the touch sends warm energy through my spine and to the rest of my body.

"A-are you okay?" a male voice asks quietly, concerned.

The only response I can muster is a soft nod barely visible to the eye. My body is filled with emotions, many of which I can't place. I hear the sound of delicate footsteps pace a semi-circle around my hunched figure.

"P-please look a-at me. I-I want t-to make sure y-you are o-okay."

Slower than a snails crawl I move my head up and look at the boy in front of me. My head pounds with every thought and my body aches with every movement. In front of me is a boy, about sixteen, maybe seventeen. His light brown hair is slightly curled and parted on the right. His face is round but long, and his sparkling grey eyes make my heart skip a beat.

With a soft hand he lightly cups the side of my face, examining every inch for marks. I look down at his body, refusing to make eye contact. He looks as if he doesn't eat, the only size he has is his broad bone structure. He moves my face in all directions, making sure he didn't miss a spot.

Still looking at the ground, I feel a tear slip down my cheek. His thumb moves and wipes the tear away, making me look up. We make eye contact, our faces mere inches apart. Breaking the eye contact he sits back and blushes, retracting his hand. He wipes his hands on his pants. Is that a tick?

"No scratches, how is your head? Do you have a headache?"

"Throbbing, and yes. My head is killing me." I reply honestly.

"You may have a concussion. Can you stand? We'll go to the hospital."

"O-okay." I reply. I slowly stand up and I only get half way up when I feel nauseous. I sit back down as fast as I can and turn around to not throw up on the boy.

"Yep, it's definitely a concussion. Are your ears ringing?"

"A little."

"Okay, I'll call 911 then and wait with you. I'm Evan by the way."


"Nice t-to meet you Y-Y/N, though I wish it would have been under better circumstances."
He crouches to my side and helps me lay flat on the ground. "I'm going to go over there really fast and call the ambulance. Don't move okay?"

"Okay." I reply simply.

Evan walks off and pulls out an out of date phone to call 911. He walks as if he is trying to be as small as he can possibly be. As if he doesn't want to burden the world with the space he takes up. I watch him as he talks to the 911 operator and I think, this man just saved my life. What would have happened if he hadn't been there? Would I be dead?

Though my head is throbbing, I still turn and look at him. Watch his hair move slightly in the breeze. Watch him continuously wipe his hands on his pants. Watch his cheeks turn slightly pink when he looks back at me.

He walks back towards my aching body and squats back down to my level. "They are on their way." He says.

I nod in response.

"How old are you, i-if you don't m-mind me a-asking."

"Fifteen, I'm a freshman at the school a couple blocks from here."

"Hey, I'm a senior there."

"Yeah, I think we have a class together."

After that we sit in silence for a little while, waiting for the ambulance to get here. This awkward silence is driving me insane, I need to break it.

"I want to thank you."

"For what?"

"Saving me. When I fell, I thought I was going to die, but then you saved me... Now I want to apologise for falling on you. You should probably get checked out too, in case you got hurt."

"I think I'm fine. Hey, let me tell you a story. The summer between my junior and senior year I worked at this very park, I'm kind of a tree nerd. Well, one day, I decided to climb this BEAUTIFUL oak tree. One by one I climbed the branches and I felt free. When I stopped and looked down I..."
"You what?"
"I... I fell. No," he sighed, "I let go. I, like you, thought I was going to die. I hit the ground and my arm went numb. I layed there on the ground, crying for hours before my boss finally found me," his face was now wet with small tears cascading down his face.

"I guess I'm one of the lucky ones then?"

"I guess so." He said as the ambulance pulls up to us. He stands up and moves out of the way, allowing them a clear path to me.

The paramedics ask me questions and I try to answer, but I can't stop looking at Evan. They decide to take me to the emergency room to make sure I am completely fine. But the last thing I see as they load me into the ambulance is Evan, my knight in a blue striped polo.

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