Two-Player Game (Michael Mell x F!Reader)

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A/N: This is from the author of Animereadvideogames. Pigpegacatamermicorn will be updating whenever she feels. I'll probably be the main author, because I have more free time, so you guys are stuck with me! This fanfic is a Two-Player game parody.
Also, this one is 941 words.
Warnings: None

I was walking through the hallways with a determined look on my face. Today is the day... I'm finally going to confess to... him. I have to shove through everyone in the way, the halls being crowded and cramped with everyone heading in a different direction than me. They're trying to go outside, the parking lot, the buses, home. But not me. There has always been this specific spot he goes after school, to meet up with his closest friend. I honestly hope that Jeremy won't be there... that would get awkward, and fast.

All I could think of is him and my nerves. I was basically shaking from freaking out so much, but it'll die down after I say what has been on my mind for ages. After all, there are only two basic answers I could get... ok that's a lie, so many more than two replies are possible. Of course, only one of those oh-so-many things is what I want to hear. Isn't that what everyone wants when they're declaring something so personal, or emotional, though?

I'm trying to keep my mind off what he could possibly tell me after what I admit, but it's hard. I just get nervous and quite easily. Sometimes, I'll break into a random song just to calm myself... oh shit, I think it's happening again.

"He's cooler than a vintage cassette.

Luckily, no one but me thinks that yet.

I'm just a nothing in this high school scheme, but maybe it's no big cause him and I could be a team?

He likes out-of-print games, retro skates, he even has a PacMan tattoo

Nobody here appreciates, but soon he will realize that I do.

Cause guys like him are cool in my eyes, cool in my eyes,

Yes, I know

Guys like him are cool in my eyes, rule in my eyes

Listen, me

High School is hell, but we could navigate it well.

He and I, we could make it a two-player game."

I sang. All right, I know I don't have the best voice in the world, but it really is calming me down, so what's the issue? As long as he doesn't Heere... hehe. Heere. I had begun to sprint, even more inspired to get there.

My backpack jostled on my back, but there was only a book in it, so I hardly noticed. Along the way, I had to push some of my peers aside. They're all jerks anyway, and this made it just that much more enjoyable. After all... you do have to push the bad guys aside, and keep moving forward.

"Watch out!"

"Shove off!"

"Let me through!"

I yelled these things as I ran along, occasionally slamming some of the larger jocks into the lockers. Hey, just because I'm smaller than them, that doesn't mean I'm weak. I don't care if they're actually hurt... they kind of deserve it after banging so many of the girls in this school, anyway. Heck, I pushed some of the girls aside as well. I am surrounded by assholes, either way.

"As a loser I've fought on my own for years.

Both video game villains and my asshole peers!

Now I'm stuck on a level and I'm about to move on.

Why wait two years when I can get something done?

For ages, I've realized, Guys like him are cool in my eyes, cool in my eyes, he was never lame

Brain, I know, I get it-

Guys like him are cool in my eyes

I just wish he felt the same.

High School is wack, but I'll always have his back.

Even if it's never him and I, and I can't make it a two player game."

While singing all of this, I somehow didn't notice the person who decided to follow after me, to listen. I was too busy running like a mad-women through the hallways, against the now depleted current of students. Finally... I made it.

"I just wish he knew, that he's my favorite person, even if he doesn't agree, I'll still dream."

But that's when a different voice, a familiar one, cut in, joined in, with my small song.

"Is it really true? Am I your favowite person?"

That voice could only belong to... I turn around, looking up at him. Michael Mell. I can't believe he heard-oh gods. I squeak quietly, my nerves coming back way too fast. I hesitantly and awkwardly attempt to straighten my flower crown, and run a few fingers through my hair. I'm probably blushing... schist.

I tug at the sleeves to my sweater, which was unbuttoned and revealing my Apocalypse of the Damned t-shirt, then look up at Michael. Holy fudgecakes his glasses are so cute... He raises an eyebrow, and wide yet slightly amused smile playing across his lips.

"Y-Yeah... I was hoping... we could be a team...?"

My voice nearly cracks, but I kept trying to keep up with my little song. That's the only way I could do it... To my own surprise, Michael's smile just widens.

"(Y/N)... High School is shit, and you gotta help me conquer it.

It's just what you do, when we make it a-"

I smile slightly, happily finishing off the last parts of the line with Michael.

"Two-player game! Hey-ey-ey!"

I was still smiling like a total dork as we finished up, but am suddenly engulfed into a big hug. I yelp, but hug back soon afterwards. Who knew random songs that came into my head, which were oddly familiar, mind you, would help me confess?

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