Chapter 2 (4)

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It was two days since we discovered the labs and we only had to wait one more before all our deepest, darkest secrets were reveled to the class. As we got closer to the due date, I began to feel nervous. There was a secret I was hiding from everyone, one that would have everyone see me in a different light and I was nervous, nervous I would loose all that I had gained.

I was suddenly snapped out of my trance by a knock on my door. I went to open it and looked down to see a ginger standing there.

"Hey, Kageyama! Wanna join Tsukishima-san, Yamaguchi-san, and I? We're going to explore the aquarium!"

"Your meaning to tell me that Tsukishima willingly agreed to let us go with them?"

"Well, Yamaguchi-san had to talk to him at first, but it all worked out! Anyways, we have to stay in groups of three or more to prevent a murder from happening. Majority of the class is going!"

"Uhm, sure, why not?"

I followed the red head as he started towards the aquarium. We eventually ran into the two friends we were meant to walk with and began our tour. Fortunately, it was a fun experience! In each tank there was a diverse and interesting creature. Each was intriguing in its own way. I think the one that I liked the most were the stingrays. I don't know why but they just appealed to me in a way. Eventually, someone came up to us, one I knew too well.

"Yamaguchi-kun, you wanted to talk to me, right?"

The freckled boy responded. "Oh, yeah! Thanks, Kuroo-san!"

The two were about to leave on their own until the greenet's bestfriend intervened.

"And where are you two going exactly?"

"We're staying in the aquarium, I just need to talk to Kuroo-san for a bit."

"Didn't you pay attention to the rules? Groups of three are the minimum."

"It'll be fine, I promise!"

Tsukishima-san then grabbed ahold of shorter boys arm.

"I don't care about your promises, I'm not letting you go."

"Tsuki! I'll be fine! Kuroo-san won't hurt me."

"You don't know that for sure."

Yamaguchi-kun grabbed the bespectacled man's hands and gave him a caring and grateful look.

"I know you're worried, Tsuki, but I promise I'll be fine."

He then moved one of his hands to hold the locket that was hanging around Tsukishima-san's neck.

"Plus, when I do die in this messed up game, it'll be like there's a part of me thats always with you, okay?"

"If, Tadashi. If I loose you."

"Tsuki, I hate to break it to you, but I'm an easy target for desperate psychopaths. I'm honestly surprised I made it this far."

"Don't...don't say that. I won't let anybody hurt you."

The shorter friend wrapped his arms around the blond, attempting to hold back the tears that were forming.

"That's a conversation for another time. But, I promise, Kuroo-san will bring me back in one piece."

Tsukishima-san glared at Kuroo with a fatal look.

"If you don't keep him safe, I'll have your head."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Medieval"

Yamaguchi eventually let go and left with the raven haired boy. Once they left, I spotted a figure lurking in the shadows. I assumed it spotted me since it soon left. I was a bit suspicious of it but let it slide. Who would kill someone in such a public area?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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