4-New friends*

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Y/n pov:

They didn't seem to notice me. More and more people started to show up. Not nearly as many as before.

The door started to close leaving those who didn't make it behind.

"This is the second part of the first phase. We are going to be going through the swamp. But beware some creatures will try to deceive you and if you fall for their schemes you will become their meal." The examiner told us.

Suddenly a beaten-up-looking man came out from behind the place holding the body of something that looked like the examiner.

" He's an imposter! I'm the real examiner!" The man spoke in a ragged voice. He held the dead creature up with his right arm.

"He's a man face ape trying to lead you into the forest to overpower you all." People started to whisper and believe the man.

Suddenly six cards fly through the air three heading toward the examiner and three toward the beaten-up man.

The three that were headed for the beaten-up man landed straight in his chest making him drop down to the floor dead I presume. The other three that headed toward the Examiner were stopped by his fingers.

"Only the real examiner could have caught that because they are hunters." Spoke in a mysterious voice coming for the clown man.

" I saw that some of you were starting to believe him. These creatures are devious and will not spare you if you fall for them. As for you if you attack me again I will have no choice but to disqualify you." He finished off by talking to the clown.

The dead man transforms into a man-faced ape and vultures already begin to eat at it. The limp creature that most thought was dead sprang to life and scurried off.

"As I said before follow me to phase two." The examiner finally began to run into the woods. Everyone including me followed.

[Time skip]

We've been running for a while, I think we're close to the second phase considering we are slowing down. I've been keeping an eye on the white and black-headed boys. The black-haired boy left, so it's only the white-haired boy now. 

We came up into a clearing that was around a big gate.

"Welcome to the second phase before it starts we will wait an hour so that anyone lost and alive can still get back." With that said he left.

I moved to go sit under a tree in the clearing. I was walking towards the tree when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see it was the white-haired boy.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"12" I quickly responded. His lips turned into a small, small smile that most people wouldn't have seen.

"Same. What's your name?" He questioned once more.

"Y/n, what's yours?" I replied with the same question.

"Killua." He simply replied.

 Since we were closer I had time to take in his appearance more.

His eyes were a deep ocean blue. When I looked into i thought I fell in the ocean. He had fluffy hair that looked like the clouds in the sky.

His eyes were trailing down my body. Once finished he looked up our eyes locking. It was like that for a few seconds. Him being the one to break the contact.

"Do you want to come to sit with me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure" he replied rather fast. We walked over to the tree I was going to sit under before. I sat down then he sat down beside me.

"What you did to Tonpa was pretty funny," Killua said referring to what I did earlier.

" I just didn't want to talk to him, he looked annoying," I said not knowing what to say.

"He was, but he had some good soda. Too bad it was full of laxatives." Killua said casually.

The black-haired boy along with the blonde-haired boy appeared from outside of the tree.

"Oh look there's Gon and, the other dude!" He paused slightly  I guessed that the black-haired male was Gon. Killlua stood up.

"I'll be back in a bit." He said before running off to Gon and the blonde-haired dude. 

It looked like he scolded Gon for some reason, but they got over that and went to go get the old dude. He was leaning against a tree. Once they get him up they begin to walk over to me before the gate began to open.


Sorry if it's rushed I wrote this in an hour and a half. I think that I'm going to unpublish the not edited chapters and republish them after I edit them. As always I welcome suggestions, grammar fixes, and feedback! 

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