5-Random Spices! I What............?

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Y/n's pov:

A loud screeching noise filled the forest as the gate slowly opened. Behind the gate was a large house sitting slightly raised up from the ground

In front of it were cooking stations. In bwteen both of them was a couch. On the couch was a woman wearing very revealing clothes, meanwhile behind her was a large man in a yellow shirt. We all began to walk into the enclosed area.

"Hello, I'm Menchi and this is Buhara. We're your examiners for the second exam." Menchi explained. Suddenly a loud grumble like roar erupted from Buhara's stomach.

"Sounds like you're hungry." Menchi acknowledged, Buhara replied with a nod.

"I'm not just hungry, I'm famished!" Buhara exclaimed while using his hands to rub his stomach.

"Looks like that settles it! The second phase will be cooking. To pass this phase you will need to create a dish that will satisfy both of our palettes. Now Buhara will the main ingredient be?" Menchi ending her explanation with a question. Buhara held his chin as he thought.

"Pork! The main ingredient will be pork, you're free to use any type of pork that you can find in Visca forest!" Buhara exclaimed, giving the examinees a smile. Menchi gave Buhara a quick smirk but quickly changed back into a normal smile.

"You heard him, Go!" Menchi yelled as everyone begun running out of the gate. I ran in the opposite direction from Killua and his friends. I begin to walk around for a while in search of the pigs I need. As I walked around I realized that its quite hard to find one of the pigs. I notice that I'm not the only one having difficulty.

While walking I stop walking when I hear a loud rumbling sound coming from my right. I see Killua and his friends running from a bunch of pigs. I jump into the tree I was standing by. The rest of the examinees who came to see what the noise was, began to run away as well or jump into trees.

A pig looks up into the tree and sees me and then begins to run into the tree attempting to knock it over or make me fall out.

"Forehead! Their forehead is their weak spot, hit them there!!" Gon yelled as he jumped down and hit the pig's forehead with his fishing rod. I jumped down taking his advice and hitting the pig's forehead with my foot, causing it to squeal loudly and die.

"Thanks!" I yell back to Gon who had met back up with Killua. I picked up the pig and began running back to where the cooking area was.

I walk in and realize I'm the second one there. The other person there besides the examiners was a tall man with a bunch of needles solved into his face, he was in the front left side. He looks towards me as I enter, he gives me a weird smile which sends shivers down my spine.

I walk to the right side to try to go as far as possible from him. 'What am I going to do?!? I don't know how to cook?!' I eternally panicked as I looked over to the pin dude's pig which was roasting over the fire whole. I may not know how to cook but that's definitely not how you do it.

"How should I cook this?" I mutter under my breath as I try to recall Tadashi 's cooking. 'I can only remember him frying stuff, dammit! I should have paid more attention wh- wait. Bacon! It's pork so what if I cut the pork into cubes then fry it! I'll think of the rest later!' When I snapped out of my thoughts, most if not all of the other examiners were back. They all were cooking their pigs whole.

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