6 (edited)

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Did Ahn Jaehyun just confess to me? Am I hearing things right?

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I said you're mine. So don't be with her. I don't like her." He looked at me, more confidently this time.

"I'm yours." I repeated his words. "How come I didn't know about this?"

"Now you know. Just listen to what I say if you want your life to be easy." He warned.

"What's wrong with Sunmi? Why do I have to listen to you?" I challenged him.

His eyes turned dark. "why do you ask so many questions? I told you to avoid her. Just do as I say." 

"I think she's a good person. And she's also going to be your friend too." I bobbed my head, making my mind.

Jaehyun grabbed my shoulders, his face close to mine. "Why is it so hard to tell you. I've warned you already. Are you going to listen to me or not?" His low voice ran shivers down my back.

I bobbed my head. "I'll listen to you. I'll do whatever you say."

"Good." Jaehyun let go of me and smiled. "I want only you to be mine. I only need you."

He then stared walking down the street. I followed behind him silently. He could've just said it normally that he din't like Sunmi. Why did he have to scare me like that?

As we arrived at my place, Jaehyun told me to go inside and bid goodbye. 

I stopped him before he could leave. "Jaehyun, can I ask you something? There is so many other guys in our school, how come you don't have a friend? Do you really enjoy being alone that much?"

"Who said I don't have a friend?" he said without looking at me and started walking away. 

What's in his mind? Why is he so hard to read?

I stayed behind and stared at his disappearing back.


On Saturday morning, I woke up to a phone call. I lazily picked it up.


"Get ready. I'll be there in 30 minutes."

It was Jaehyun. He only said those words and then he hung up.

What did he just say? He'll be here in thirty? Shit. I better get ready now.

I scrambled on my feet and ran to the shower. I didn't have time to pick the best dress, so I just put on the first thing item that caught my eyes: a blue floral dress and a white cardigan. I did my hair in a hurry and put on a bit of make up.

I checked myself on the mirror for the last time. After making sure I looked more than presentable, I went out.

When I got to the lobby, Jaehyun was already waiting for me. He was in a baby blue shirt and black shorts. 

Why am I feeling nervous? He's just wearing a simple outfit and my heart is beating like crazy already. Ahn Jaehyun how will you take responsibility?

I put my hair behind my ear. "Why did you call me out all of a sudden?"

"I realised that  my confession yesterday was a bit plain. I'm asking you out on an official date." He said.

"Okay." I looked away.

"Let's go?" He offered his hand, which I took gladly.

I didn't ask where we were going and just followed his lead. I can't believe I had this much trust in him.

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