22 (edited)

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Woobin really did come over by the weekend. He brought a small suitcase and a backpack.

When he arrived, I was still in the middle of cleaning my place. It was kind of embarrassing to show him the dirty side of me. Although he said he didn't mind.

"You have a nice place" Woobin commented as he looks around.

"Thanks. Although my place isn't as nice as the other houses" i smiled.

"So where will i be staying?" Woobin asked, still looking around.

"Uh, do you mind sleeping on the sofa? I don't have any other spare rooms." I bit my lips, in case Woobin didn't like the idea. But he didn't.

He just nodded his head."The sofa is fine. I have nowhere to stay for the night. So I shouldn't be picky, right?"

I bobbed my head. "No, i mean, if it's too much, you could tell me-"

"I told you it's fine. Don't worry about it." Woobin offered a genuine smile.

"So, do you want to rest? Or we could do something else?" I offered.

Woobin seemed to think for a second, before replying. "We could watch tv".

So we did. We watched tv for the whole day. Pizza, chicken and jjajjangmyeon deliveries are  a must, of course.

It's been so long since i last did this.  Not bothering to clean the mess we made, just sitting back and relaxing.

And just like that a day with Woobin passed. Everything went casually, nothing interesting happened. But I did feel disappointed as he had to leave in the morning. It's a bit too early if I must say.


The ringtone of my phone woke me up. I turned it off and went out of bed. I was going to have a jog around the park to keep fit. I ate too much yesterday, so I need to burn calories.

I jogged around the park three times. I ran harder with the thought of getting fat. I was crazy yesterday. How could I eat all those food in one seating?

Only after i sat down to rest that I opened my phone. 20 missed calls and 50 messages from Mike and Jaehyun. What is wrong with them? But before I could open their messages, I got a call from Jaehyun.

He asked if i was okay. Of course i said i was. Excluding the fact that i just gained some weight. Then he told me to go to the address he sent.

I complied to his words and headed home. I took a bath and grabbed a taxi to the address Jaehyun gave me. The place was quite hard to find, making me pay an extra fee to the annoyed taxi driver. But i didn't mind.

Finally after 30 minutes, I arrived at the destination. A house was right in front of me. I rang the the doorbell once, which was opened by Mike.

"Hey, Chaelin, you made it." he opened the door wider for me to enter.

"Yeah. After all the struggle, i finally made it." i joke, shaking my head.

"The others are waiting. Go ahead inside, i'll get some drinks." Mike slightly pushed me into the living room.

The eight EXO guys and Jaehyun was sitting around in what seems like a living room as i entered. Before i could greet them, Jaehyun stood up and hugged me.

I froze in his embrace. "What are you doing? What's wrong?" 

"Didn't you know how worried I was?" Jaehyun tightened the hug.

"Worry? What is there to worry about? I was just jogging around the park." I pated his back to calm him a bit.

"You didn't tell me. I thought you were-" I placed a finger on his lips, stopping him mid sentence.

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