Jack's POV:

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"Holy shit that was something." I say as I look at Greg while I sit on the plate.

"Is that motherfucker on crack cocaine? WAIT A MINUTE HE IS THE GUY WHO STOLE ALL MY CRACK ROCKS WHEN I HAD MY FIST UP BIG CHUNGUS'S ASS IN 1977!!!!1!1!" Greg said.

"You know eachother?" I say confused. Greg shushes me petting my tail and ears. Then he starts shoving me down his throat. "Mmmmmmmmmm, you taste so good kitten." It's very spacious in his stomach. I also love the complimentary stomach acid with the many wine glasses he swallowed just for me.

(Time skip brought to you by Kink Crimson)

A few hours pass as I'm in Gregory's stomach. Then I remember back to our honeymoon when he pissed all over my beautiful wedding dress. He's just so creative and that's one of the many things I love about him.

Just as I slip out of my thoughts, I hear Greg push out a painful-sounding noise. I also hear a heart monitor to my left. Wait a minute... I also hear nurses and doctors pacing around. Holy fuck I'm in a hospital!

I'm being birthed!!!! Just as I'm being pushed out of Greg's dickhole, I hear everyone screaming and shouting "YAAAAAAY"

(Time skip brought to you by Kink Crimson)

I'm awaken by Greg pissing on me. Mmmmmmmm so warm.

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