3 - The Zinc

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William's POV

"Where is Elyar!?" Frosme asked with confusion and anger in his face.

"He'll arrive later, don't worry be happy." I tried to calm him down. Frosme known with anger that he can't controlled.

"Don't be like that. Frosme, he only live alone. Maybe he overslept." Zacky added.

"Why must he live in different apartment. We can live together. What's the problem with popularity. We have guards. They can protect us. He has burden us. Why the two of you back him up." Frosme said almost like shouted at Zacky and me.

I looked at Zacky and looked Frosme back.

"Frosme, you won't understand because..."

"I'm sorry everyone." Elyar said and bowed to us. Elyar cut me.

"There you are! Why!?" Frosme shouted at Elyar.

"I'm really sorry guys. My teacher asked me to stay back for some minutes but..."

"It's okay Elyar. Let's go. We have no time." I cut Elyar before Frosme became full of anger.

I looked at Frosme and he roll his eyes to me. I guess he'll mad at me when the practice over.

* Practice goes on*

Luckily the practice end with smile even Frosme smile. I think because Elyar did well as a vocalist. Elyar did has a nice voice but he just back up my voice during we're filming music video. He will sing songs that doesn't have music video. He doesn't really like publicity but that is the only way he can earn money and survive.

"William Andrake Zamzey!"

Someone called me. I think it's Zacky. He likes to call me by my full name.

"What? Won't you stop calling me by my full name?" I exclaimed and walk to him.

"I won't." Zacky said almost like whispered. I pushed him and kicked his butt. Zacky mimicking my action while laughing. I ignore him and walk faster to stay away with him. Elyar and Frosme laugh heavily with our child-like action. We walk side by side.

"Hey, I want to stay a night with all of you in your apartment." Elyar asked the three of us.

Author's Note.

Oho! cliffhanger and short. I'm sorry.

The Nerd Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें