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~~ writer here just wanted to say you look like the neko in the picture of the story but you also have shorts under the really long shirt and no leash~~

You wake up your head throbbing and on cold tile in a dark alleyway. How did I get here?! you wounder as you sit up. You hold your head to try and stop the pain and it slowly wears off so you use the concrete wall to your right to help you stand and you look into the end of the alleyway and you see light and people moving by. You try an remember what happend and slowly notice you cant remember anything from your past. As you finally have regained balance you start hearing, smelling and seekng better too. I feel like a cat! You think and you reach up on top of your head just to be sure but as you do you feel fuzz and two big cat ears on the top of your head! You in distinctively reach to your bottom and feel s tail too! Wholy fuck! Im a cat?!? How the hell did this even happen?!!! Your mind is now full of questions but you know nothing is going to be answered unless you go and find it out for yourself so you start to walk out of the alleyway and into the street but with every step you take you hear more and more and it becomes louder and louder and just as soon as you reach the end of the alleyway you pass out from all the noise and black out.

fem!cat!reader X (male) soon to be found outWhere stories live. Discover now