Chapter one: Your choice

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"Hey!" *slap* "Hey!" You wake up to being slapped and yelled at. You automatically gasp and hit the.. wow... hes good looking! Tall. Dark eyes I want to melt it and- snap out of it! He slapped you! You grab his coat so he is closer to the ground, you whisper "dont ever hit me" in a deep, low gravely voice before you slap him twice as hard as he did and knock himto the ground. You feel sorry right after you hit him abd wounder if you actually hurt him but you notice his muscles and drift to your thoughts for a moment... he is really strong and tough but his eyes... he looks so... pissed. But you snap back to reality when tou hear him say "your stronger than you look, names Alex by the way," You look at him before woundering what your voice sounds like, besides you whispering in your pissed voice you havent talked since you got hear so you test out your voice and you say "I am..." you have no name and no memories to use a name from so you make up one "..Bella.."  your voice still sounds angry but you nkw think it always does and it is just a little bit seductive but you sounded slifhtly unsure when naming yourself. Alex chuckles and says "well, Bella its not everyday I meet someone of your kind, " for a minute you think he means neko until, he adds "sexy, sassy and strong."  "you are not surprised im a neko." You say, but as a statement not a question. "Not anymore your just as annoying as any other female I've met before." He replies rolling his eyes. You start to look around noticing you are on a bed of fluffy soft red pillows and in his bedroom (you notice the pictures and his messy bed and quickly realize its his room) and you are by a window. After the few seconds of looking around and finding out you are in a small house near the ally you were in before you realize what he had said and you get feisty "im just like any girl huh? Why did you pick me up off the streets then? And the nice bed and did you think I wouldn't notice the medicine and first-aid kit on the other side of the room under the blanket by your pillow?" Your voice turns from sassy to confusion when you say "why did you try to hide the fact you helped me from me?" It takes him a moment before he says "wow... you are smart! How did you even notice that! Cats really are interesting creatures" then he scratches by your ear and before you can protest you purr and nuzzle into him. He stops and starts laugjing when he sees you break your tough act and turn vulnerable and you blush madly and say "hey I cant control it! And dont ever do that again!"  But alex is on the floor rolling over and laughing as you yell at him for hours and he messes with you. As it turns to night he tells you to sleep on the pillows but as soon as he falls asleep you crawl into bed with him and use is heat to fall asleep.

fem!cat!reader X (male) soon to be found outWhere stories live. Discover now