Starting to fall

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You are woken up by Bella shaking you softly, you open your eyes and she's really close to your face. " Here i brought you some water and Cissy made you eggs" she handed it to you "thanks" you said confused . bella starts to tear up "what's wrong?" "nothing" she sniffled "it's ok you can tell me" she turns around and she has cuts on her back. you gasp "omg bella what happened" " the dark lord- QUIT CALLING ME BELLA YOUR NOT MY FRIEND!" "i don't understand, i saved you from Harry..and this is how you treat me?!" Bellatrix looks down sadly "i'm sorry, it's the dark lord.." " your all scared of him aren't you?" "some of us" you grab her hand. she opens her eyes wide and looks up at you. You stare at each other for a good while, then she starts rubbing your hand with her thumb. "i'm sorry i hurt you" she says but you don't say anything back she grabs your face and rubs her thumb softly on your cheek. you close your eyes and lean into her hand when you open your eyes again she's closer and she keeps getting closer to your face until your lips are inches away. "oh my god are we fixing to k-" she quickly pulls away then slaps you and runs out of the room. your stuck in there all day doing nothing it's lunch time and she brings you water and a piece of ham she hands it to you then slams the door shut. All you do is roll your eyes. You finish and then just having nothing better to do so you go to sleep
*Time skip*
it's been a week and a couple of days and ever since that and Bella hasn't said one word to you she brings you food then slams the door and leaves every day. It's dinner time and Bella brings your food you grab her hand as she goes to leave "let me go!" "Bella i- she cuts you off "BELLATRIX!" you roll your eyes "why aren't you talking to me!" "Because i don't want to! I don't want contact with you!!" she screams "NOW LET ME GO!!""THEN YOU LET ME GO" "i'm not!" she says you roll your eyes and she snatches away from you"You can't flirt with me and hold me like you were,before you killed sirius, then get so close to my face and when you get scared just slap me and walk off not talking to me anymore!!" "I wasn't flirting!!" she whisper yelled  "oh really so you winking at me and smiling and holding me,that's not flirting??" Bella rolls her eyes "and YOU getting closer and closer to me almost kissing me what you call huh??!" " Bella you can't keep pretending you don't like me!" Bella rolls her eyes "I don't like you!!I never have and never will!" "besides your just a little girl"she crosses her arms "ok and?" "and so it's wrong!" "since when is anything you do not wrong?!" "that's a different kind of wrong, it's hurting people,'s like pedophilic" she says looking kinda disgusted "not if i'm the one coming on to you" you smirked "No!" "Why not?!!" you crossed your arms "Because i do not like you like that, actually at ALL!!Here's a change of clothes when you get changed come back down the dark lord wants to see you" she rolls her eyes and leaves. "Fine!" you get changed and head down stairs with the dark lord waiting for you in the living room standing by a table and Bella on the couch. "Ah y/n i've been waiting for you" the dark lord says. you roll your eyes "now is there anything else you would like to tell me or do you need to be tortured again!?" he smirks " i don't have anything else to tell you!" "well maybe if we let him know we have you and show him we're hurting you he'll come looking for you or even better, turn himself in to me!" "ugh he wouldn't" you roll your eyes and laugh " oh but he would,you see people do crazy things for love and he just happens to love you! thank you for that information by the way,and not only as a friend but more than that!" you roll your eyes "now tell us more you know!!" "i don't know anything else!!he doesn't really tell me anything anymore" you sigh "whatever i don't have time for you right now, bella take back to her room!" there was a silence, you look over and she's zoned out we her head sitting on her head staring at you cleavage, that you didn't know was out. "Bellatrix Lestrange!!" Voldemort snaps his fingers. She quickly looks up "Oh sorry my Lord!!" She quickly gets up and take you to the room. You get inside the room and just stand there staring at her "What?" you see her go from your eyes back down to the top of your shirt at your cleavage and straight back to your eyes hoping you wouldn't notice, but you did "caught you staring" you smirk "no i was n- what are you talking about?" she crosses her arms. you lick your lips hoping she would watch you do it and sure enough she did. She starts biting her lips then rolls her eyes and leaves. Narcissa comes in "hey" she smiles " hi" you lightly smiles "i just wanted you to know that when the dark lord leaves you can always come out and you can look around and wander you don't have to stay in her" "but what abt bell-" "it's my house" she giggles "not hers" you smile "but how will i know when he's gone?" "hm... ill send you a signal" "ok what signal?" she starts to think tapping her wand on her head "i'll make the lights flicker in a pattern" "ok " you smile "he's gone now though so you can come out".  "is bella still here?" "yes she lives her,don't be scared though i won't let her hurt you" you smile "ok come on you can sit at the table and get you something to eat" you both start heading down. You reach the dining room and sit down two seats down across from Bella, she glared at you and rolls her eyes. All you can do is laugh "think this is funny do you?!" "yes i do" you smirk bella pulls out her wand "Bella!" Narcissa shouts setting down your plates, Bella puts her wand away and sticking her tongue out at Narcissa. you giggle again and then start eating. It was just you three, you thought Draco and Lucius would be there  "where's Draco and Lucius" you ask "on a task" Narcissa answers "not that it was any of your business" Bella adds "sorry" you say quietly. Narcissa looks at Bella and raises and eyebrow. Bella looks back at her plate. i think i'm done " where do i put my plate Narcissa" "here i'll take it i'm done too" she takes you plate and you start to wonder around the house you go upstairs and start there. You here people coming into the house so you stay where you are. they all go to the dining room,you slowly head downstairs and try to peak your head past the door. voldemort was there talking to all the death eaters. Bella looks at you not realizing and turns back to voldemort then opens her eyes wide and looks back at you "could you excuse me please my lord?" "whatever for?" "erm..girl problems"  voldemort closes his eyes and flicks his hand towards the door and bella gets up and heads towards me. She grabs my hand and brings me to the living room "What are you doing?!!" "i was just looking" "No! if he sees you he will hurt or kill you" "since when do you care" "because he might kill us to! he might think we let you out!" she yells in a whisper "which you did" you say "No! cissy did,i disagreed but it's her house" she rolls her eyes you turn to walk away but she grabs you " don't walk away from me i am talking to you!" she whispers and you roll your eyes ,she gets mad and squeezes your wrist leaving a bruise

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